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Gus, our lil baby.


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I have a bird that is afraid of low lights and it started a riot last night. We had to run out when Pat got home last night so i had dinners ready and we put them back into their cages with food while we ran out. I didn't see Pat lower the lights for them and i had their corner lights on so there were shadows everywhere. It was as if the shadows were attacking them. Mostly Gus and Lilly but their fit caused the others to join in. We even brought them out of the room to feel safe but it just wouldn't stop. Finally we just had to do a lights out and put them all to bed. Took less than a minute and they were fast asleep. Before i even remembered the shadows though, we tried everything and even thought they were trying to tell us something wasn't right. Could it be the heater. we shut it off, the humidifier, shut it off. Gesh, the things that play in your mind.

On a side note, spoke with the lady i got Gabby's cage from and her 65 yr old bird passed away on her birthday. How sad it was as that girl was full of life and herself when were there in early November. Her consilation is that she knew this girl had a wonderful with them!

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We did some cage moving over the weekend. Lilly is pretty much a don't walk by my cage kind of a girl and she was right by the door. We moved her (and Gus since the share the double cage) to where Oliver was and put Ollie nearest the door. SOOO much better, lol, less screaming too. This holiday time is messing with their semi schedule and making them a bit cranky, as much as i love Christmas, i can not wait to get back to normal. And Lilly stole another heart. A friend of ours stopped by and he and Lilly were inseperable. It is really quite odd that people just see her and fall in love. They don't even have to hold her, just something in her eyes i guess. She won me over years ago and i had never held her. Gus looks exactly the same but it is Lilly everyone flocks too. So now there are two familys wanting to take Lilly home with them and poor Gus, its just us who loves him! lol

I did get a shock last night, Cotay, (who looks at me like a chicken bone) let me scratch her head. I thought it was a fluke but i did it a second time and then called Pat in to see our third time. That is the first time i have been allowed to touch her. She still will not step up for me unless i drape a cloth over my arm, but to let me give her head and neck scratches is a Christmas miracle!!

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Funny how things change from day to day! Gabby, who i have worked long and hard building a trust up now hates me again and Cotay let me pick her up yesterday 2 times! and head skritches are now expected and a must What fickled little spoild fids!!!

I did my second love session with Lilly yesterday and it ended with me more upset than ever before and i cried for hours while my husband tried to console me. lol We know we have to keep her but now i worry about finances and how we are going to get the money to pay for her. I told the lady we would talk at the end of the year and that came really quickly and we were not able to save a dime, in fact, couldn't even scrape two pennies together to save our life! lol So i am embellishing that some but i just can't stop thinking about how we are going to pull this off! I can't let her go. When will hubby win that lottery???? lol

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Well, I paid for Dorian with a monthly payment, and she let me bring him home before he was paid off. If she truly loves Lilly won't she want what's best for her? Maybe you could do a "keep Lilly Home" fundraiser amongst her fans. Lol. Anyway, hugs to you. I know how the money thing feels, and it ain't good.

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Thank you guys very much. I was having a pretty low day yesterday and i guess i just needed to vent some, so thanks for listening. My hubby kept trying to tell me that Lilly was ours, not to fret, it isn't like she will come repo her. We will pay what we can when we can. lol I think i hate the looming bills and get paniky. It also didn't help that after 9 yrs of not having any family after my mother passed away, my brother and sister popped back into my life on Christmas day. Emotions were too high for me to handle and i finally broke!! Que sera sera!

The new bird toys are still in their stockings, we got some out and the birds kinda freaked out so they went back up until we could have some time to get them use to them. I thought Santa did pretty good, 7 parrots, 4 dogs and a cat and my total bill was 150. lol I went shopping in the dog toy aisle discount bin for foot toys. Kongs and tires with rope for the big guys ( and girl) and knotted rope for the greys along with the usual hanging bird toys for them all. Two of the 4 dogs actually got their heads stuck in the stockings trying to get their prizes out. They love Christmas and somehow know, they pestered Pat until he gave them their stockings.


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Must have been a hoot getting to be there for all the fun! We are all here to hold each other upright and keep moving forward so glad this safe place is here for us all when we need that little pat on the back or an ear to bend. I know if we found ourselves in a bind with our flock many of you would be there for me too. Kindness can be contagious.

Edited by Greywings
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My biggest challange is getting her to eat something. She eats her pellets and some seed but "food" wise, nothing but an apple slice. I have tried everything i could think of but she is picky as crap. Gus only likes peanut butter so he is also a challange and he flings his pellets and seed out because he likes his bowls empty. It takes me long to feed these guys than to feed me and the hubs! Each bird has their own likes and dislikes so making them dinner takes lots of fore thought. Bubba loves noodles, not pasta, noodles only. Bongo likes shells ( pasta ) and Oliver likes wacky mac best. Gabby is my snap pea queen and Cotay loves crackers and will pass on everything else( she is limited on those because i am pretty sure her last owners just gave them to her all the time ). Lilly gets an apple slice and Gus will get some peanut butter. All of their choices get placed in experimental dinners each night until we can find something they all agree on! Wears me out! Scrambled eggs use to be a hit but that has faded.

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Heehee, this is driving hubby crazy trying to figure the Too's out. They will not even tolerate being near each other. Gus flys away if she gets close, but since they do share a double macaw cage with the seperater, and we have seen them cuddle beak to beak and even pass almonds through the bars to each other, it is really bothering Pat that he can not figure them out! Gus has been near every bird and tolerates them all except Bubba, shared stands with them even, but Lilly, no way! Every night now for a week after we put them all to bed he says " I don't get it! I can not figure them out!" So i think this weekend we are doing yet another cage swapping. The greys back into the double and the Too's will each get their own cage. My poor greys, at least they are okay with changes like this. Friday is Bongo's 3rd year with us and it is his 5th cage. In 25 years i don't think i have had that many couches! lol

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Perhaps trying a flat food dish on the cage floor with interesting mixes to pick through, lots of color and a light apple cider vinegar dressing (place dish away from dropping area). Some times a new approach and watching you enjoy it with lots of ummm sounds and lip smacking can help. Have no other foods available when trying out the new stuff for an hour or two.

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Not that we give the guys bad food, but Pat tried giving her a cheese puff and she even snubbed it. lol Carrots, beans, pasta, rice, beets all that healthy stuff gets not even a little tongue taste. She just turns her head.

I don't know what kind of moon we had yesterday but the birds, and i mean all the birds at the same time, were quiet. No loud squaking when we put them up for dinner, no loud noises when they finished eating. Just the sound of the greys chatting and whistling. Even with lights out, no Too screaming. (Gus and Lilly both do a few screams then the macaws yell back at them) Nothing but a calm normal evening of how we wish it were all the time. Ha, my fear is that they were resting for today... :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So we bit the bullet and made our first payment on Lily Friday. I guess she knew because sweet little Lily started screaming as soon as i got home from making the payment and then all day Saturday. lol It is like she saw this paper that said "all sales final, no refunds or exchanges" and said to herself, " Now i have got them, bwahahaha". Sunday though was bath day for everyone and they all seemed to calm down. It had been a few weeks since they had a good bath and i guess they were ready because the whole household calmed down. Last night, all three greys were just talking and whistling up a storm. It was just the sweetest sounds. Even the macaws were chatting it up. Bubba with his hellos and Oliver saing Bubba.

Gus has also learned how to knock on the door when we go outside. We were sitting out front and kept hearing a perfect knock and couldn't figure it out, finally looked at our own front door and there he was, tapping with his beak and then his foot, couldn't deny him so leash went on and he came out! We also got a laundry basket to put over him so he can run around the floor and we stay safe, like that video. LOL yeah, he hated it and was scared to death. When we took it off, it was like a little kid running to his mom just saying "mama, mama, mama" over and over until he made it to me and buried himself in my neck. He didn't push it, he would pick up and end of it and kinds toss it, then run to where it landed and would do it again. Really kinda funny if it hadn't scared him like it did.

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So i made some baby (bird) formula last night, mixed with a dash of peanutbutter. lol You would have thought Lily had never eaten before. She wouldn't take it from a spoon so i found a syringe and had to do it that way. She assumed the baby bird position and started squeeking and eating. She had it all over her face. I found out i could never hand feed a baby, i have no accuracy. Gus took the syringe away from me and fed himself, not well because he put a hole in it but he tried. Bubba ate a whole bunch and the greys, we just couldn't tell how much they got. They were on Pats shoulder and it seemed to me he had more on his shirt then they got in them. It was a great time with alot of laughing and they got some vitamines to boot!


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