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Gus, our lil baby.


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I have been afraid to write about Gus as he has been doing wonderful. Still venturing with the dogs at the front door and playing with a bucket on his stand, lol. He has been such a pleasure, we have had to stop our nightly sit with us in the kitchen time because as was mentioned, he came to expect it and thought his screams would get him there quicker. It worked in reverse for him as we just stopped bringing him in for a week give or take and the screams have all but stopped. Pat mentioned that he was being so good he wanted to bring him in with us but then thought better of it because he didn't want to take backwards steps again. He still gets the one on one time, just not in a pattern to keep him off gaurd.

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lol, we had a friend who stopped by yesterday but hasn't been to our house since bird #3. Of course we are use to the trigger points that will set Gus off and so it wasn't at the front of our thoughts when he walked in with sunglasses. Gus let out a normal hold me scream and i think the poor guy peed in his pants. We just told him to take his glasses off and Gus was okay. We went outside and when we came in, the same thing, guy peed a bit more then went to get a beer from his cooler, and he had brought in a 5 gal bucket for his empties which was beside it and when he reached in there was a faint "hello" which was Gabby in the bucket, that scared him and when he jumped Gus screamed, he jumped again and went outside only to never have gotten his beer and wouldn't go in the house again. It really was very funny.

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Eventually. But not before getting a few pictures of Gabby in her prized bucket.

Not the best picture but if you are not use to birds i guess this would be scary to see when you are just trying to put an empty bottle in your trash bucket!



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We went outside and when we came in, the same thing, guy peed a bit more then went to get a beer from his cooler, and he had brought in a 5 gal bucket for his empties which was beside it and when he reached in there was a faint "hello" which was Gabby in the bucket, that scared him and when he jumped Gus screamed.



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So we had a busy weekend here, the birds moved into the master bedroom, it is large enough to house them all with a good distance between them for the too dust and macaws and greys. They seem to really like it. Our set up before was good but the lighting during the day was not too good for the macaws and then when Cotay moved in she blocked the window where Gus could see outside. We did weeks of measuring and planning to be sure it all fit and would work before making the move. Before we had 3 tv's running and 3 lights on all day, now it will be just one tv on for them! Gus has been doing so good so yesterdays little backslide doesn't seem bad at all. He took off flying to get to Pat, 3 times. lol. A little excessive screaming last night too, but nothing like his first few months with us. A new neighbor stopped by and could hear him inside screaming and pointed out to us how loud he was, we laughed because we didn't even hear him as we have learned to block out that noise, but when we listened all we could say to him was that we hoped he like birds because Gus is just warming up, he isn't screaming, "YET".

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  • 2 weeks later...

So everyone has settled in very nicely since the move. This room is also the warmest room in the house, even in the summer, so with my night sweats this has been a treat for me! Cable will be installed tomorrow (after a huge battle with U-Verse). We went and got them a nice flat screen tv and mounted it were they all have perfect veiwing. They can all see out the windows too which is a plus, and we leave the drapes open so they can see the sun setting and rising. Since the room is in the back of the house, we feel safe in doing this now! Gus has been doing really good and has become such a joy. Now we have to get him into the vet for his check up and nail trim so i see set back in our future. lol He just loves being on the floor and hopping around and is now staying away from our feet 30% of the time. Funny our dogs, who he adores, all have 4 feet but he doesn't mess with theirs at all!

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Glad your move went well and that things are settling down to a normal pace in a new room of their own with a view and a new TV !!!

Your fids are suffering so much. I will not tell mine about this so they will not ask to move in with you.

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Bracing ourself for another wing clipping. Out of the 10 feathers we clipped, 3 are back fully and it allows him to fly from his stand to the kitchen. We had a foot attack last night. Since it is cold and we are in tennis shoes again, he thinks it is time to chew our feet. We are going to keep looking for the laundry basket to cover him with, like that video. So far the ones we found have the rubber on the handle and it wouldn't glide around. I can just see me and Pat showing up on those WalMart videos. We will be ones putting the baskets on the floor and pushing them around saying, "Nope, that one won't work. Get another one, Nope, that one won't work either."

He has been sharing a stand with Oliver now. To avoid the collar on Bubba, we are trying very hard to limit Oliver and his time together, so Bubba has moved to Gus's stand. We had the bugger his own stand to keep him from sharing but he kept finding ways to get on the floor so, had to change that plan quickly. It is one thing to hear him fly but when he is in stealth mode, all feet are prey!

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Bracing ourself for another wing clipping. Out of the 10 feathers we clipped, 3 are back fully and it allows him to fly from his stand to the kitchen. We had a foot attack last night. Since it is cold and we are in tennis shoes again, he thinks it is time to chew our feet......... It is one thing to hear him fly but when he is in stealth mode, all feet are prey!


You need some new slippers, perhaps these:


Edited by luvparrots
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So far the ones we found have the rubber on the handle and it wouldn't glide around. I can just see me and Pat showing up on those WalMart videos. We will be ones putting the baskets on the floor and pushing them around saying, "Nope, that one won't work. Get another one, Nope, that one won't work either."


LOL!!! Please video it yourself if you go to Walmart and Post it for the world to see. Oh and get some of those fake horrible teeth, maybe a long beard and wear some outlandish clothes. It would go viral!! :P


Anyway, whats a few pairs of walmart sneakers between loved ones like our parrot buddies? They just want to help remove those shackles you have on your feet do you can fly!! :P

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What about attaching some of those glide feet things to the laundry baskets? Y'know, the ones you tack onto the bottom of chair legs. You could cut off the nail and use Velcro dots to attach them to the basket and it should glide nicely.


P.s. You should post pictures of your flock more often. I'm struck by how much better they look from when they first arrived at your home. True rescue successes!

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Hubby is such a goof ball he would really do it! Tonight he wanted to watch something diff on tv so he put on HSN. Started calling them when he saw an Amish built wall fireplace. He called asking, "is it bird safe? Oh you don't know, so will you ask the guy in the brown sports coat please, we have birds and i like the fireplace, but not enough to kill them. Oh, you can't ask him, who can you ask? Okay, so this is the guy in the brown coat on tv's cell phone number? It is the fireplace makers? Okay, Thanks" This went on for a while, i guessed his inner chid had come out and he was making prank calls, but then the doof applied for a credit card and tried to buy it. He got the card but thank goodness the number did not show all of the numbers but the final 4, so he couldn't order it... I still have scars from his last late night info-mercial buying spree where i about sliced my hand off on a mandoline cutter he had to have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As dumb as this sounds, we had been thinking that Gus needed a buddy and then maybe he would focus on him and not us like he does and maybe help with the screaming. What kept running over and over in my mind though was "don't get another bird for your bird, get a bird for yourself because you never know." With that in mind we called a local rescue to ask questions about it. Big ol total no way, don't do it. lol We really knew that in our hearts but just had to hear it from someone else. She said it isn't that it wouldn't work, but it is a big risk. Said that Gus would more than likely just snap the new ones neck if it were female, and if male they would be fighting for attention. Said if we really wanted to that we would need to get a young one so Gus could adapt and the young one could grow up with him. We are in no way taking that chance and Gus will be our only Too-child. He is just such a handful, even clipped he is coasting off the stand in stealth mode and biting our feet. Instead of putting the laundry basket over him we are now talking about wearing the baskets on our feet. lol She did mention that a Too should not have any routine at all. Like during the day, he is just fine on his stand, doesn't scream, but the minture Bubba sees Pats car and starts saying his name, Gus starts screaming. He does this because when Pat comes in, he goes straight to the birds to say hello, from then on it is game on. They also get fed about the same time and go to bed about the same time. Even the macaws know when dinner is 5 minutes late, they join in the screaming. So as of last night, the schedule is no more, we are just going to wing it. lol

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