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Gus, our lil baby.


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My guys don't scream very often but if one of them does do any loud shrieking for more time than I like, I tell him to "knock if off" and just ramble on for a little. If that does not work I sing. Luckily my parrots like to listen to me more than themselves. If that doesn't work, then turn on the radio/stereo and cover the noise up. Darkening the room is also something that might work.

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Walk away, go outside and ignore him. Or try taking him for a little ride in the car-oddly sometimes that can help and remember for every two steps forward thy often take one backwards too. Be consistent in not responding to his sound barrage. Gus is very much a Too.

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The hardest part of just walking away is the other birds stuck listening to it. Bubba screams back at him, either in Gus's scream or his macaw scream which sets Oliver to screaming too, then the greys all take flight because they get scared. His screaming goes on and on to. Its not just a little couple of minute burst, i am talking 20-30 minutes at a time with maybe 10 minutes in between all evening long. Time outs are not working, covering doesn't work either. He has plenty of toys, foraging, puzzles, wood.

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I may be wrong, since I personally have never owned Cockatoo's. But, I have a friend that has had two for the last 27 years and they are the most clingy needful parrot I have ever seen. Lucky for them, they get constant attention from the owners. I do know when they are away and need bird sitters, the Too's do scream constantly.


The best I can figure, is what Greywings suggested in ignoring it, just like we must to a grey that starts a screaming behavior. But, Too's are a screamer on steroids for up close and personal attention. I suspect since this behavior started directly after having that close personal time in your bedroom, Gus wants that again dearly and constantly. I suspect the only way to quell that, is never do that again, so Gus knows it's not going to happen and over time quit screaming for it. But, i have no doubt your ears will be ringing before this episode is over. Maybe get headphones for you and hubby while riding this one out.

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We decided since Gus's timeout cage isn't working, we are going to build one for us. Outside, farthest area from the house. A covered deck with a shed for a fridge, Pat said the shed would be for his mower and such, i see us moving in it!

Dan, you said you never have had a Too, want one? I will drive him to you personally! Lol

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Those ear protectors they use at the gun range should help. You really can get some relief if you consistently ignore him however difficult that may be it will work. If he is chasing your feet on the floor then put one of those cheap plastic laundry baskets over him for a while. He can still get around but unable to successfully chew toes. Here is an example from a friend who had a very wound up Too who found a way to have fun in time out.


Edited by Greywings
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Murfchick, I was just browsing around the web this morning and happened upon this Too site. Perhaps you can get some help in dealing with Gus form it. As with greys and special knowledge on this board on them. I feel you should really reach out to folks that are all about Too's. Hoping it is found useful and you can glean some help on how to get Gus on track as I know you truly wish to do.



Edited by danmcq
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Wow, that is an incredable site. However i have been crying ever since. Some of the topics i just didn't dare read! Thanks for finding that for me.


I agree. I decided not to read a few also due to the heart breaking nature of some. At least they have a section you can ask questions in. I hope you find the answers you need from very experienced cockatoo owners. :)

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Just knowing that him screaming is just him, not that we are doing anything wrong, was more helpful that i could explain. Now at least when he is having moment we can say he is just being a bird, not what are we doing wrong. We have been able to relax a bit which has let him relax some. Very nice feeling. Got great food tips for him there too, not sure if they will work but worth a try for sure!

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Gus sounded like a little gremlin while he was eating his butternut squash from his spork. That was just adorable. I looked at the video of the bird under a basket... kind of like the opposite of a Rumba, this one goes around the house making messes instead of cleaning them up. Small steps at a time with Gus as you work with him to be the best he can be. Kudos for your patience, kindness and understanding. He is beautiful.

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LOL, the sounds were coming from the macaws, each bird was on the back of a chair getting their turn at the squash. lol. Bubba was upset he had to wait for us to film Gus. When i first gave Gus the spoon he got so excited it looked like he was hiccupping it was so cute.

He is doing much better, but we are looking into steel toe shoes so we can walk around the house again. He has a foot thing where no toes shall go unbitten. Actually he is less scary with exposed toes than tennis shoes, he attacks everytime when he sees shoes even if they are not on your feet. He has learned to get off the stand when we go outside and yesterday we were greeted by all the dogs and Gus with a large portion of our window sill at the back door. It is sad how he just blends in with the dogs, if they run to the front door to bark, he runs right along with them and is in the middle. Try as we may to keep them apart he just doesn't care, on the other hand the dogs don't care either. We had walked outside to talk to a neighbor who had come over, when we walked back in and past and over the 5 dogs blocking the door, looked all around for Gus then realized--We don't have 5 dogs, one had to be Gus, sure enough he was right there in the center of them looking out the door.

He still screams a lot but either our hearing is going or we are use to it and can ignor it better. Cotay helps with this though, when Gus gets to screaming and Bubba is telling him to stop it, she is right there saying quiet, quiet, shhhh. I guess she lived with a Gus before!

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LOL I sure had a visual of Gus and his "flock" of dogs there! Sounds like it makes him happy though. Timber hates tennis shoes and feet in general as well. A previous owner said she was carrying her toddler, he was on the floor, and she accidentally kicked him because she didn't see him. Supposedly that was the start of his "foot hate." Makes sense.

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Makes total sense. I am not sure where Gus got his, more than likely the same way. I was told by the lady we got him from that the people who dropped him off with her said the would put him in the shower with them and he would wak around the bottom of the tub while they showered. HA! Not only does he hate showers, he hates feet so hmmm, thinking he got kicked a few times while in that shower with them. What still breaks my heart though is when i go into their room in the mornings and he runs to his bowl and buries his head as if he is so afraid and hiding. He has 4 bowls but one is just for him and hiding, if it makes him feel safe then who am i to try and take that away. He had a big bucket that he would do that too but it was too unsafe for him to try and hide in, i could just see him slipping and the handle choking him or even breaking his little neck. It now has a stuffed bear in it for him to talk too.

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I never thought of that. I always just try to lure him out, but making it a game never crossed my mind, thank you! We will start that this morning.

You gotta know that when i can say Gus was our best behaved yesterday, it was a bad day in this house. lol All the birds were nippy and grumpy. I sure hope that today starts fresh and everyone wakes in a good mood. Gus was a sweety pie and pretty quiet, the macaws came in second other than their beaking each other ( which is normal but makes me a nervous wreck ) but the greys were awful. lol The would strike at me and bite me even if i was just walking by. I had the steam mop out and Gabby was growling at it, it isn't like i have never used it before, gesh. Gus though shocked me, i can't sweep or mop around him because of the handles so he goes into the other rooms while i do this. Yesterday i just said to myself he has gotta get past this, lol. I had swept the night before after they went to bed so i went straight to steaming, did not phase him in the least. Since it is more like a vaccuum he wasn't scared of it, yeah! Just had to deal with Gabby and Cotay hating it.

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I never thought of the hissing sound but i have used it with them in the room before, Bubba likes the steam so i never gave it a second thought. I guess i am back to normal mopping and steaming when they are not in the room. I also found out yesterday that Pat had been working with Gabby and her harness and it was on the counter so she was pissed about that too. ( He got it completly on her and then she freaked out. Been months to get to this point. )

Hubby got irritated with having to rescue me again with Gus and Oliver. I love holding them but then they won't let me put them down so he has to come over and get them off me! I am such a push over with them anymore. I have been trying to be firmer but the fearlessness i had almost 2 years ago has changed since i discovered i enjoy not getting bit. Gus had climbed onto my head with both right and left talon up my nose, Pat just walked over and said "really? How did that happen?" then Oliver has started trying to be a shoulder bird with me, i can't let him because he loves nipping me. He isn't biting, just love nips but thats way to close to my face. I gotta get brave again, i think that is part of Cotays problem with me, she knows. lol

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