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OMG Rocky can fly

Parrot Lady

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Rockys wings are clipped not real short but clipped , I haven't checked them in a few weeks but I really didn't think he could fly very far, we were eating dinner and Rocky was on the java tree which is a good 12 feet away from the table and he flew to the dinner table lol , I was totally amazed wowwww and I think he came to beg lol , we had pizza and Rocky loves pizza crust which he gets once in awhile o this should be fun Rocky and Brandi both flying around the house at the same time :eek:

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Where there is a will there is a way and it is just wonderful that Rocky worked so hard to join you for pizza. If there is one thing that will get Gilbert to fly eventually, I am guessing that would be it. We don't have pizza often, but when we do Java is the first to beg for a nibble. It is the only thing she gets really excited about and it is the only thing for which she will "meow" to get our attention. I keep wishing for the possibility of flight for Gilbert and occasionally see progress. Having two flying around might be better than going to Zumba to keep me on my toes. Congrats to Rocky on his efforts.

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For all you flyers! How do you stop your bird from flying into windows or walls? I had to clip my Zons because I was afraid she was going to get hurt. I really wish she could fly in the house. Our house is very modern with high ceilings and a lot of windows.

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First you take them around the house and let them touch the windows and tap with their beaks you can add decals to the windows to help remind them it is a solid. Wall crashing is usually done by birds who need more practice flying and landing so maybe just a light clip to slow them down but still allow some flight while learning.

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