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New Amazon Talking Help!


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Hey Everyone,


I haven't been on this forum in a while. I used to have a TAG, but she died in a freak accident with my inlaws dog...you know the rest. Anyways I finally got a 7 month old double yellow headed amazon. I named her Kiwi. I've had her now about 3 weeks. When I first got her she could already say hello. At first it was cool, but no matter what I try she will not say anything but hello. She will say hello about a hundred times a day. So what I'm asking is when do most amazons start to talk? How can I encourage more talking. I play recordings and music everyday, but still nothing. She says hello very clear so I know she can talk well. But so far no other words or phrases. Also What can your amazon say and what methods did you find to work best?

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Hi, welcome back and congrats on your new addition. She is still very young so you shouldn't expect much from her as far as talking goes. If you play a variety of things for her, she probably won't pick things up that way. I greet my birds and say the same phrases to them when I do things every day, so they tend to pick them up eventually. If you get upset or aggravated or frustrated at her for saying the same word over and over again, she gets a reaction and you are only reinforcing that word. My amazon will pick things up quicker I say if it is loud and have a lot of fluctuation in the phrase or word. She loves to yell, OH MY GOD! and then laugh loudly. She also likes to scream like I tend to if I drop something or trip... :)


Give it time, be patient and she will relax and open up when SHE is ready. Gosh!You've only had her 3 weeks, she isn't even settled in yet......you are expecting too much, too fast, it could take her up to a year with you to totally and completely trust you and feel at home IMP.

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When I received Fig, he did not talk for a few weeks, he just kept saying over and over again Tam. This is the previous owners name. On and on to this day - 8 -9 yrs later (I lost track of time lol) he still will call Tam,Tam for me to come into the room for him I ignore him, I have a high tolerance for this type of ongoing noise. My husband on the other hand will see what he wants. So, he continues to do it. I would ignore the same calling. After a few weeks he started his singing and counting. We were upstairs getting ready and he was downstairs. To this day he says many different phrases and we have no idea where he learned it from. You will love your amazon. Mine never screams, repeats Tam ongoing is the most irrating thing he does so no complaints from me with my zon, I have a yellow nape. Well one complaint - I wish I could hold and cuddle him but it is what it is. Have patience, I know it is hard, I too want so much fast and I have to have patience too! Enjoy him!

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Welcome back! My Lola (Panama Amazon) just turned 7 months. No real talking yet, although she does repeat a few sounds that she knows well. She also enjoys a good primal scream a few times a day! Zons are such joyous birds, and have such a love of life...but, one does need to have an appreciation for all that drama! Not a day goes by that she doesn't make me smile!

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when we first got Rocky our yellow crowned amazon all he said was Hi and Hello for a good 2 or 3 weeks then he slowly started saying other things now when he gets on a roll talking you just can't shut him up lol , he was around 6 or 7 months old when we adopted him he is now about 17 months old and he know alot of words and sentences , if I repeat something to him over and over for about 2 or 3 days he will start to say it but of coarse its Rockys version lol so it may not be exactly the same

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I have a Blue Front zon who was 1 ½ years old when I got him and spoke Hindu and English. He learns new words when he likes what I am saying. He does not say "Hello" or "I love you" which my greys say. But says, "Come here Louie" "Thank you" and other phrases he likes for some reason. If the words/phrases don't have a meaning for your zon, why would he want to say them? Normally he must be able to associate sounds/words with something he likes or gets a reaction. Relax and just talk to your zon, he will talk when he is ready.

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