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Came so sooo close to adopting a Mini Macaw

Parrot Lady

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good thing hubby was with me today at the bird store I came sooooooooooooo close to buying a baby Severe Macaw , he was so cute and playful and really cuddly , I gave it a few minutes thought then the thought of 1 more bird to take care of set in and his cuteness kinda wore off plus the are you crazy look my hubby was giving me lol , o well maybe someday but not now , my 4 sure do keep me busy plus the cost of toys and food , but it was sure tempting

I did end up buying 4 toys , one for each of them :)

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We acquired our first parrot while I was sitting in the car determined not to go inside to look at any animals because I knew my resolve was at an all time low. She had a greater power than I did at the time, I finally went inside to gather my family and she pulled me in too. I try to stay far far away from any available parrot, but the pull of their mind is too strong. LOL. I don't regret for a second the time we have shared with our little feathered flock.

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I do alright going past the babies but there was a rescue group at the last bird fair with an 8 year old CAG that tore at my heart. The look in her eyes can only be described as emotionless. I talked with her for a bit and while she didn't shake and wasn't stressed its like she didn't even see me there. I talked with my partner in crime about her and when he went over to talk with her she growled at him and became very agitated. If it wasn't for her behavior toward him it would have been very hard for me to leave without her. I don't want another bird. I am extremely happy with 1. When grandbirdie Isabelle comes over I am more than happy to send her home.

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Its hard not to get sucked in when you see young birds or ones in need of a new home but you have to think of the ones you already have, if you are hard pressed right now to give them the time and attention they need then taking on another makes no sense no matter how adorable them seem, we have to know our limits or all we have will suffer for it.

  • Haha 1
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