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Tui and her Dad


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Hey all,

I was asked to join by Becky (a moderator) and even though time will be a factor with posts I got to say what a wonderful forum site.


I especially like the map as we have been looking for play dates for years with no luck (yes play dates for both of us lol)


Tui is 2.5 yrs old at the moment and my interest with her is not so much conditional response tricks but rather to develop her cognitive abilities which are mostly expressed as intelligent communication, which she does a lot of the time now (happy to say). We have a few videos up on youtube (search for tui parrot) which is how we were found and asked to join this site.


The plan is for us (mostly me) to fix up an old 33 ft RV and then perhaps hit the road for a year or so, but at the very least head off for week plus trips around the USA so if anyone has RV hookups or even a space to park I have a parrot in need of new parrot friends ... We would love to meet you along the adventure.


I do have limited time, and are not an expert at all in parrot training or behavior so give me a little time if you have anything specific to ask (tui seems popular on youtube so we do get a lot of emails and due to the time factor I am a little reluctant to join forum groups ... Sorry if that sounds impolite) or better yet this site appears to have lots of experts and I am sure they would provide quicker and more knowable answers than myself.


Look forward to meeting you all<br><br>Post edited by: Zarlock, at: 2007/10/10 17:52

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Hello and welcome to the family, Zarlock, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your adventures with your grey, Tui.


Sounds like you are getting ready for an exciting trip going around visiting other greyt owners and seeing places around the USA. Be sure to keep us updated on the goings on that occur on these trips, we are very interested in what you are doing.


We are not like other forum sites, we like to think we stand out in the crowd and we treat all members like our own family, everyone is welcome here and all we ask is you treat us like you would want to be treated, with respect.


If you have pictures of Tui, please share some of them with us, we love to look at photos of each other's greys.:)

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Aloha Zarlock!!


I am so excited you decided to join! I love to watch your youtube videos! They are very informative and it shows how wonderful your relationship is with Tui. You are more than welcome to come hook your RV up at my place, unfortunately unless it can float I don't think you will make it here as I am in Hawaii!


Welcome to the forums, we are happy to have you!!!!

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Welcome Zarlock!!


I have enjoyed watching your YouTube videos over the last 4 months. The favorite is your Tui wants to Dance :-).


I assume you are coming to the US from England (your accent) or you have moved here from there?


If you get to California, let me know. It would be great to meet you and Tui and see if Tui can teach my Grey Dayo to Dance ;-)

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Hey all and thanks for the warm welcome.

Judygram:, I will post some pic's soon, videos of Tui are at youtube and can even be found now on google search

Makena:, Thats ok you can always move...lol we might stop by your place if NZ govt ever lets me bring her back there.

Danmcq:, I am originally from NZ but one of the reasons I came to the States was to get an African Grey. We are not allowed to go back to NZ and I am not leaving the country without her so for now we are in Kansas - but soon (well 6 months) hope to become gypies (perhaps pirates) and travel in our RV. I would love to see Dayo and Tui have a dance :)

FairY:, to be honest I might have more time than I suggest :) This is actually the best forum site I have seen and for the first time in 2 yrs tonight we have a playdate from another member of a forum.

Kiwibarb:, Tui is named after a native song bird from New Zealand (and a brand of beer). Took me 3 weeks come up with a name that was appropiate to me. To start with I spent more money on her than any other women in my life and she gave me no love, so several names reflecting that behaviour were in the running, but we settled on the nicer names.


Look forward to reading the posts and meeting new people


Andrew or as I seem to be known Tui's Dad

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If you go RVing, try to make it up here to the UP of Michigan. It is one of the most beautiful places in the lower 48. From what I've seen, the landscape isn't that different than New Zealand. We have more lakes per capata than anywhere else in the country, and some beautiful water falls. Just make sure you come after May, because otherwise there may still be snow on the ground. :) Unless you like snow. :) My baby will still be very young, but a play date with an older grey might be fun. :)


- Hannah

ps. Sorry if I sounded like a travel agent. Hehehe.

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Hello Tui and Andrew,


I went on YoU-Tube and watched your video on talking #1 and #2. That was really sweet. I appreciated the tip on not leaving music on but instead a news station or talk radio station. You and Tui have a neat relationship. I liked the end of video #2 - ow, ow, good girl! :) :) :)


I'll be back to check out more of your teaching sessions. I haven't gotten my baby yet but my intention is to have fun with him and keep talking as if he was a little baby. Same concept actually. Talk about whatever you are doing and verbally accentuate certain things like "hot" :woohoo:, "cold" :ohmy:, "oops":blush:, and so on. Thanks again. Thoroughly enjoyable! :cheer:

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Thanks Kasia,

Just a warning and I put it down to always leaving talk back on. Tui will NEVER shut up unless she is eating or a new person comes over (I get 30 mins quiet). Even then she often spits her food out to tell me something. I would change this suggestion to having it on when your home, not all the time your out (unless your working during the day), so that your bird learns to talk when your there and not all the time.


I am not really complaining about this, but it would be nice sometimes to be able to watch TV in quiet (she is in the lounge) and when I have ladies over and tui is saying "what are you doing ... stop that ... come on stop it be a good girl" it is a somewhat distracting ha ha

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

G'day Andrew and Tui ... I am a huge fan from you tube, i don't actually have a grey in my little family yet ... but it is definately on my must do list ...however finding a reputable breeder in oz is proving more difficult than i anticipated, lots of scammers out there ,which is a shame, so glad to have found u both on here...and well done with Tui she is truly wonderful, we have a little rainbow lorry called Georgie, and i know exactly what u mean about wanting to watch something in peace lol. Keep the clips coming , I cant get enough of her. I showed all my mates her latest "tantrum " clip and they all love her so her fan base is growing ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andrew and Tui! Nice to meet you. Lyric and I watched some of your videos on youtube today and thought they were great. He is 15 months old (TAG) and not talking yet but I still think one day he will. He loves giving kisses and appreciated that part of the conversation between you and Tui.


Keep up the good work and have fun in your travels!

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  • 3 months later...

I feel so sad about Tui flying away. Keep looking and if I was closer, I'd help you look. Maybe you could even get a local news station to talk about it, with all of your youtube posts, it would make a great human interest story and get the word out there. God bless, Andrew!

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  • 2 months later...

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