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TIMMY update


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I dont have alot of time, but Timmy is alive and well. I am so busy with kids, wife, work, goats, chiskens, camping, fishing.....that I havent been online as much as I was before. Ive had Timmy over 2 years and he is almost 6 yrs old now! I was so scared that he wouldnt talk, but now I want to shut him up hahahahahah!!!!


Timmy eats his seed blend but perfers what we eat, EVERYTHING! steak, broccoli, potato chips, rasins, fish.......ANYTHING!


He is very healthy and now perfers to take a nap in the dogs bed with them (under my supervision).




Ill get back online shortly to be more active with you guys that helped me so much in the beginning and to help those who are starting out.





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I was so scared that he wouldnt talk, but now I want to shut him up hahahahahah!!!!

We must be careful of what we wish for but glad you could take a few minutes to update us on Timmy and how he is doing as I have wondered about the two of you. Hope you are able to join us more in the future to keep in touch with how Timmy is doing and to help others out there as they start their incredible journey with one of these amazing creatures.

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