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Flying fids and a Christmas tree


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Am i asking for trouble? I don't know how many of you all have fids that get into everything but 2 out of 4 do here. I am really worried about putting a tree up and having all the lights with wires and all the glass hanging. What do you guys do? Last year i actually did a charlie brown tree but didn't have the kiddos then. If i did that this year i could see Gabby eating my table it sits on and also see Bubba trying to perch on it. I can't do real trees, we have two 12' ers one skinny and one fat and i can see it now having to decorate a step ladder in Christmas glory to leave by the tree to be fetching them out of it every 30 minutes. I really gave thought to just decorating their stands, since they are trees anyway, and just telling everyone the white stuff (poop) all over the decorations was snow. But then thought, ewww. So what do you all do?

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Been contemplating my strategy in this area as well. Already ruled out the fancy glass ornaments. Actually stopped using them a couple of years ago when our youngest cat refused to stay away!! I was thinking about stringing popcorn and cranberries!

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My fids don't usually bother the tree and we use a real one but the idea of using edible things to decorate it is an idea since you have big fids, they could eat the decorations off and by the time Christmas is over the tree will be nude and ready to go to the woodpile.

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I use an artificial tree with all the lights and trimming and have three flighted parrots. Fortunately, they do not bother my tree as they like to be able to see me so if I am not in the living room where the tree is, they are right behind me. Hopefully things will be the same this year. Fingers crossed.

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I use a real tree. Mostly the decorations and lights scare them enough so they have no desire to go near it. Nilah, my amazon, on the other hand has chewed the wires and tried to,land on the tree and climb it.....so, when we pick out our tree, I get one with the prickly needles, not the soft ones, that keeps her away.

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I have a small fiber optic tree I use , I love it all I do is hang a few small ornaments on it and it's all set to go then back in the box until next year , I think all my fids will be scared of it , Opeys is scared of it and never goes near it and I don't think Rocky, Brandi or DJ will go near it , I was moveing furniture around today and they were scared of the roll top desk we have so I have no worries about a tree

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I guess we will just wing it, so to speak. No presents under it for sure though. Today was Pats birthday and he barely got to open his cards, only one got damaged before he got to open them and two of the boxes got chewed up right after they came into the room (Gabby). Bongo has really started flying now also, his direction isn't really good yet and i can really see him landing in it and knocking it over. Tonight he took a sharp turn and landed in the sink, glad he missed the pot that was soaking!

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I only have grown ups to buy for, no littles, so Jake is gonna be a spoiled for his first Christmas. I already have my eye on some Melissa & Doug toys for him, a few movies, a new natural light bulb, and there is a bird fair coming up. <grins>

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I use a real tree. All the trimmings! Kiki is the only one fascinated with the tree. She is always in it. Of course tree is rarely lit. Certainly not plugged in. All special ornaments that kids have made over the years, don't get put in the tree. I do enjoy looking at them when I go thru the box of ornaments. Kiki is never unsupervised, she just likes to hide in it. Nancy

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