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I might be Fid Sitting Soon

Parrot Lady

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I have a friend at work that has a 2 and half year old male grey his name is Jake , I have met Jake a few times and he seemed to be layed back and pretty easy going well to make a long story short my friend has to go home to her country on the 16th of this month , she said family business and to visit so she asked me to keep Jake for her until she returns in 30 days, we are going a test run this saturday she will be bringing him over to see how he gets along with , me , hubby and my birds , I think he will be ok with me but kinda worried how he will get along with my fids and I wonder how he will get along with Brandi

I will let everyone know on saturday how it worked out , I will post a message

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I hope your friend's grey has been to the vet and been given a clean bill of health for you don't want to expose your bird to something that could have been prevented but its a good opportunity to see how another grey will fit in with your fids, who knows it might be delightful, she is lucky to have someone who will look after her bird for that length of stay, looking forward to how it goes this Saturday.

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Jake just went for his 2 year check up in August and got a clean bill of health , she has his vet records if I need them , she is very protective over Jake and believe me he gets the very best of everything she has him eating Harrisons pellets with lots of veggies and his cage is loaded with toys plus he has a huge Java Tree to play on just for him , I will let you know how it went on saturday

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