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How do we discipline without disciplining ?

Guest Jocelyn

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Guest Jocelyn

Romeo for the most part is a good boy but he likes popping holes in our shirts. When he does it he pins his eyes and looks me straight in the eye then pops a whole in my shirt, I try no and blowing at him neither of these seems to work and he seems to enjoy being in trouble. I know I cant yell at him or hit him, how do I try and stop him?

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Honestly you don't. You can try redirection like keeping a foot toy handy, or removing them from the situation but setting them up for success is by far what works the best (aka you change for them). I have thick sturdy cotton smocks to wear in the house so Jake can't bite at my clothing, he has direct supervision at all times he is out of his palace, doors are closed to rooms that aren't safe, etc.

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Well, if Romeo is on you when he's doing this you say 'no' and remove him, either to a playstand or his cage if he's flighted (sorry, I can't remember if he is). Same if he's just near you, like on the back of a chair. He loses the option of perching there. It's a birdy time out. You remove him for a few minutes and then give him another chance as if nothing happened. Repeat (and repeat and repeat...) If he loves being with you, and his behaviour means he can't stay with you, he'll eventually understand that doing a certain thing means he loses the privilege. I'd find a couple of old shirts to wear for now. Call them your training shirts. There's a good chance his behaviour will get worse first as he's trying to figure out why your behaviour has changed. Just be gentle and consistant.

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We have that issue with Gabby, except it is our couch. With me, she is good about it, i did time out once and she caught on, with Pat however she pushes and pushes and time out means nothing. I make him be consistant now because he wasn't at first and now he is dealing with that inconsistancy. He asked me how i do it all day with her and the others, its simple, i mean what i say and follow through. Timeouts can't be used for every little thing or it will lose its effectiveness, pick your training.


I wanted to add, this is what works with us as far as one thing at a time. Gabby is just too busy to understand more than one or two things at a time. We use other things such as distraction to get her to stop other unwelcome behaviours. Once the chewing was mastered with her and me, we moved on to not eating my end tables!

Edited by murfchck
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I for one believe they do enjoy being in trouble some times. After six years, Java knows the hot button issues and will sometimes go right from one to the next. I think too... if I could pop a hole through a shirt on occasion, that might be very satisfying too. LOL. Okay, I do understand this is undesirable and I do agree with others that the best thing you can do for now is to avoid giving Romeo those opportunities. If he has to stay off your clothing for a little while, he will quickly come to realize that he has chew toys. When Java was little, she would run to my back so I couldn't get her off me. I started wearing big baggy tee shirts over my clothes and when she did that, I pulled up the bottom of my shirt and "bagged" her, gently of course, and I took her back to her cage. It didn't take long before I offered her a step up or a distraction that she flew to her cage all by herself. You will find a distraction technique that works wonders with Romeo. Then he will find yet a different tactic to make mischief. They always seem clever enough to get one step ahead of us.

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After many years, if Sophie is on my shoulder, I am dressed to go " out"... she knows! " don't even think about it!" LOL. She will be an angel. If a bird chews on my shirt, the answer is " NO!" Returned to cage. Pick baby up again in five minutes. It takes several months, but the issue needs to be dealt with each time bird chews. Nancy

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OH goodness Marco gets only a few chances and if she continues her "nawty" behaviour its definate removal ... shes learned to crawl down the cage and hop onto the little couch next to it (where I am usually at) and the cords to my computer are apparently "CALLING TO HER" and it happened so fast ... 1 chomp and she nearly chewed thru 1 cord so now she tests me lol gets close brings her head towards opens her beak I said NO (very sternly) and she'll stop look at me like Wha? :rolleyes: after 2 or 3 more times ... bam ... its back on the cage she goes! But I cant take my eyes off her for a second when shes near those cords cuz it happened in a blink not only that my computer is usually on I dont want her getting hurt! But the same applies to the back of the couch, she go for my bra strap thru my shirt and she finds that plastic piece and Im sure she can snap that no problemo (sorry guys I know TMI) I tell her no once 2nd time she gets moved! As far as the shirt/holes go... I change my clothes when I get home so if she chews them or poops on them lol Im ok with it .... :D

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I do myself a favor and keep a shirt made for hanging around the house when Isaac is out. I call it my 'bird shirt'. I have a few flannel shirts that used to be perfectly good pajama shirts, but they have since been decommissioned to become bird shirts. Isaac can bite on those if he wants. After a while, they simply lose the interest and find the next thing that will challenge you. :)

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This thread is so interesting to me because Timber has never bitten my clothes. My fingers and arm are fair game, but he leaves the clothes alone. Funny!

Josey leaves my clothes alone too for the most part, it is my sun conure that chews up my shirts especially if it has any kind of adornment on it, she loves buttons, she will chew at them and get them unbuttoned as fast as I can button them back up, just shows how different our greys are.


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I have a few long sleeve shirts with buttons on them and all my fids seem to find thoose buttons as a chew toy lol , I say No a few times and that usually works except for Rocky , hard headed amazon lol most of the time I have to put him back on the playstand or his cage , he ignores the word NO and keeps trying to chew my buttons off , he also likes chewing my socks grrrrrr

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Guest Jocelyn

Romeo chews socks too, but its shirts he loves you hear a little click and his beak is right through there. Impressive, iritating and a little scary lol

Hands he will nip but not bite he only likes bighting clothing and sometimes the couch.

Thanks for all the storys guys!

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