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Hurricane Sandy, will affect many of us. I just left North Carolina, beautiful weather, drove straight home early, since I was concerned with forecast for Northeast. No punishment from Sophie when I got home. She LOVED the people that cared for her. The teenager Sean, had his parrents help. His dad is in love with Sophie. Sean's mom is in love with Kiki.

Just want to make sure, everyone has enough water, flashlights, and plans if they loose heat. Remember, birds don't tolerate living in an enviroment where they are cold. I had contacted my vet, where my dogs are boarded. If I lose heat, they can board my birds. It will suck, if I can't pick up my pups tomorrow, as they have been boarded for a week already. Nancy

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I live in Pennsylvania and am in direct line for the storm. The wind has definitely picked up. A little nerve wracking to say the least. Neytiri is also a little jumpy. I need to keep the blinds closed as she is getting spooked from the trees moving. Stay safe everyone.

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Snowshoe, West Virginia might get several feet of snow since they are high elevation and some places here in VA have gotten a dusting but nothing where I am but may get some flurries before its over, high wind is expected tonight and tomorrow, keeping my fingers crossed we don't lose power again but I can better handle the outage in cold temps, everyone stay safe.

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Just made it home from Long Island last night. I live upstate NY, but work down in the city. Throughout all the devastation I was impressed with so many individual acts of kindness. My sister works in a restuarant and they had a generator. They opened up and served anyone, regardless of whether or not they had money (finding a place with the ability to accept a credit card is difficult right now). That made me smile. There were so many other stories like that, it warmed my heart.

Most of my family is still without power, but one has a generator, and one has a fireplace, so it's all being worked out.

My heart goes out to my friends whom completely lost their homes.

I'm grateful to be here, in my toasty warm house, typing online to give you all an update.

I came home to happy birds- nobody shunned me for being away so long :-)

Even Sam was interested in me and allowed me to pet him!

Take care,

karen and Sam

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So glad to hear from our many members who have been in harm's way or even had to endure colder than usual weather with power outages. Our family was uprooted and we lost everything many years ago when Hurricane Agnes brought flood waters to northwestern Pennsylvania. Things are not near as important as our loved ones whether they are human, or nearly human feathered and furry friends. Even though our minds know that things can be replaced, precious memories, photos and other heartfelt items feel like a kick in the gut when you lose them whether by storm or other means. There are so many people in the path of this storm that have changed the way "normal" has ever felt and will ever feel again. I am so sorry for all the losses and hardship for everyone affected. Glad to hear from those who have weathered the storm. Blessing to all who are uncertain and hurting.

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