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Your parrots favorite food/foods???


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When I was reading this thread tonight all I can hear are the words of Biscotti listing off his food choices and thinking "hey, I want to live in his cage and make a list too". LOL. The favorite food that is a once-in-a-while treat is the Limeade diluted about half and half with water. From the time I saw Phenix having a little sip, I tried that out of desperation to make a connection with Gilbert and it was the very first breakthrough we had to winning his heart. Keeping it as a very special, seldom offered treat has preserved the magic because nothing else has ever made him swoon.

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oh goodness know what marco FREAKS over is pomegranite juice. I give her a capful maybe once a week as a lil treat and she seriously goes NUTS over it!!!! I even made my hubby give it to her just to show him and she totally knows what it is when I say "juice" heck I even think she knows the shape of the bottle too! they are so smart

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Veggie scrambled eggs! I know eggs are high in cholesterol, however I only give a small amount to my Grey. First, I finely chop up broccoli, spinach, and carrots. Then I saute the mixture until soft and add in an egg. This is the only way my CAG will eat veggies.

Sorry, this isn't the best for your parrot, oil is bad unless its Red Palm oil or a slight amount of Olive oil. Egg's should be givin no more than once or twice a week, it's better not to give veggies then give them this way...It can be a long process to train your fid to eat veggies, be patience...

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Peanut LOVES grapes and recently likes blueberries as well. He is not into veggies, but will tolerate broccoli and mash potatoes. He also like rice and pasta to some degree and he really is not interested to what is on my plate at dinner time. And of course, he eats his pellets and some seeds, absolutely no nuts for my little nut!! ;)

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Peanut LOVES grapes and recently likes blueberries as well. He is not into veggies, but will tolerate broccoli and mash potatoes. He also like rice and pasta to some degree and he really is not interested to what is on my plate at dinner time. And of course, he eats his pellets and some seeds, absolutely no nuts for my little nut!! ;)


I'm a known trouble maker lol, Greys should have very little friut, only a small piece a day, if they have fruit, it fills them and they won't eat enough of what they need. Fruit also goes straight through them causing wet stools, and flushing. Too much white potatoes is bad for parrots, once or twice a week, sweet potatoes you can feed daily.....Big question?????? Why no nuts??????? I'll respond now: Nut's, [not peanuts which are not nuts but Legumes.] are nessary for proper health to our parrots. Nut's, almond, walnut, pistachios, Brazil nuts ect, contain EFA's ie:Essential Fatty Acids, which are necessary for a healthy life. Nuts contain fat, true, they contain the good fats, mono, unsaturated etc, which help reduced bad cholesterol.....At a minimum, a parrot should have 1 almond a day. Looking forward to your reply... Thanks Jayd

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When you have to deal with three birds of different species whom all share their food and space... I can say they all love carrots, greenbeans ,sugarsnap peas, cauliflower, grapes, pears,apples ,watermelon,raspberries, blueberries. The basic for them. Many other fruits and veggies. They love all nuts. I was cleaning their cages yesterday. A heavy sigh. The wall is always painted with veggies and fruits they are not interested in. I spend more time cleaning the walls than I want too! BUT.... I offer them new things over and over. Some finally get excepted, others get thrown against the wall. Nancy

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Jakes current favorite is a thick oatmeal cooked with flax seed, millet, and hemp seed. He thinks he's died and gone to heaven if I chop up and sprinkle about 1/4 of a frozen cranberry on the top. He eats a teaspoon, maybe a teaspoon and a half if there is cranberry, of this mix. Since our greys shouldn't have fruit except as an occasional treat I limit the cranberry to the first Saturday of the month.

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Nut's, [not peanuts which are not nuts but Legumes.] are nessary for proper health to our parrots. Nut's, almond, walnut, pistachios, Brazil nuts ect, contain EFA's ie:Essential Fatty Acids, which are necessary for a healthy life. Nuts contain fat, true, they contain the good fats, mono, unsaturated etc, which help reduced bad cholesterol.....At a minimum, a parrot should have 1 almond a day. Looking forward to your reply... Thanks Jayd


Maverick wants nothing to do with nuts.. I continue to offer them but no such luck. Any suggestions on how to get him to eat them?

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It seems like greys are like kids... they just like stuff or they don't. I would just keep offering them and he may change his mind. Have you tried all the varieties? There are some nuts Timber doesn't seem to like. If you haven't tried pine nuts, try those. That is a favorite around here. Did you try offering nuts shelled and unshelled? Sometimes they have a preference one way or the other. Timber will eat an almond in the shell (I crack off the end) but doesn't care for unselled ones. At any rate, just keep trying which is all any of us can do. :)

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