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Your parrots favorite food/foods???


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What are some of your parrots favorite foods? I was just curious. My 5 year old female Timneh, Greycie, basically wants anything off my plate. But she loves cheese pizza, or the plain nachos from Taco Bell. I give her little birdie slices though, heh. Also for fruit she loves loves loves watermelon. Every time I bring her and of these foods her eyes light up and I can see how excited she gets. And she'll start bobbin her head up and down while she's eatin.


So what are your parrots favorite foods?

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Hee! Like yours, Jasper seems to think he has to have some of whatever I have. He's discovered a passion for pine nuts so I use those as training treats. He also loves it when I treat him to some sweet potato baby food off a spoon. (One of my cats absolutely flips for this also :confused: )

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I used a suggestion from Jayd and Maggie, they offer an uncooked piece of pasta called Wacky Mac. Wacky Mac isn't available in my stores but a good organic 4 flavor rotini mix is. Jake gets 1 every night at bed time. I think Jake would walk through hot coals to get a "roni" but it is saved as a special bed time treat.

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Wingy, Thank you! I am going to play devils' advocate here and say that parrots shouldn't be fed pizza and nachos. High saturated fat foods and salt can be deadly to our Greys. Greys are prone to high cholesterol, the same as humans and fatty tissue tumors. Greys can't eliminate salt from their bodies the same as humans do. These foods are full of processed chemicals which can kill or stunt our Greys. If you want to give them some cheese, an occasional treat of hard cheese is okay. Greys are lactose intolerant so dairy products are not recommended. Fruit in the portion of one to two pieces a day is all our Greys require daily. Other parrot species may require more. A small piece of apple, one grape is more than enough on a daily basis for our Greys. Watermelon is water and sugar...there is no nutritional value. Too much fruit will cause a watery stool so no nutrients are sticking in the system. It also fills the bird up so they will not eat the food that is required for a healthy life. There are many threads and posts on the forum about good and proper food for your greys. Wingy has posted a number of recipes that you and your Grey can sit and eat together and just as much fun as a piece of pizza.

Wulfgiest, thank you! Concerning baby food, it is okay. Always check for salt and iron content; the lower the better. Again, this is a processed food so be careful with it.

Edited by Jayd
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I appreciate the extra info, I know nachos and pizza are bad for parrots. Like I said I give her a birdie portion so very small piece. Same with nachos I might break a quarter a chip and dip a little sauce on it. Nothing serious. But I know you were trying to help. One thing I've never heard is parrots are lactose intolerant I check my birds stool everyday to make sure everything is alright and I've never had any problems.


One thing I have to bring up though is I do have problems getting her to like vegetables. She likes peas, green beans, sometimes celery and carrots and sweet peppers. But for the most part she doesn't really like vegetables she was like that every since she was a baby.

Edited by AryoAsh
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I can't believe I forgot to mention this peanut butter, she with go absolutely nuts for peanut butter. Every time I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich she flies over and stands on my shoulder just waitin. Some times I'll give her a tiny piece of the sandwhich or just a little peanut butter off my finger.

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Swiss cheese, cooked chicken drumstick bones, walnuts, apples, cherries, pomegranates, corn, and cantaloupe. Oh yeah, and sardines and salmon, too. Walnuts are my Amazon's favorite. He gets a little piece every day. They also like GREEN grapes and sprouted peas. Pancho, the amazon, likes a little yogurt, now and then. Is it okay to feed them yogurt? I figure the live cultures might be good. Brutus, the grey, loves to say, "yogurt" but he hates to eat it.

Edited by chezron
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I appreciate the extra info, I know nachos and pizza are bad for parrots. Like I said I give her a birdie portion so very small piece. Same with nachos I might break a quarter a chip and dip a little sauce on it. Nothing serious But I know you were trying to help. One thing I've never heard is parrots are lactose intolerant I check my birds stool everyday to make sure everything is alright and I've. never had any problems.


Thank you, my friend, it's very serious.The one thing we all have to remember is, "What a person feeds their fids is up to them and them alone". As most members know I try to back with accepted facts or personal experience. Sometimes what we do today can end in disaster at a later date, please remember, it's better to be safe than sorry..Milk:http://exoticpetvet.net/avian/dairy.html


Peanut butter should be Low Sodium Organic, very little at a time, right now, there's a recall on peanut butter, you should check to see if your brand is recalled, please don't use until checking.[There's a post active on the recall on the Grey Forum] Thanks Jayd

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My greys will not eat anything nut related, not peanuts, walnuts or peanut butter. Both however love crunching the peanut shells but after the first chomp, they drop it. Strange for one bird to dislike nuts, stranger for two!


I'm sorry, but peanuts in the shell, even roasted are one of the largest killers of our parrots. You should only feed roasted low sodium shelled canned peanuts... There are a multitude of post and threads on the forum.......Peanut shells can harbor a mold Aspergillosis , Alex, the worlds most famous Grey almost died from it. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?115338-Aspergillosis........

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This site is a revelation to me.



Hi, I've been to this site many times over the years, if you look, everything except what pertains to his birds you've read on this forum or other sites used and recommended by this forum. Many of the pieces were written by Dave, Dan, myself and other members of this site over the years, no one is ever given credit.... No, everything you need is here or your directed to where you can find what you need, all by wonderful members..And no one here asks for a hand out......We do it out of love and caring....My Opinion.....Thank You Jayd

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Timber's favorite treat is probably cheese. He gets pretty excited about a boiled chicken wing too though, and it is better for him! I really limit the amount and frequency of the cheese, and usually use it only when I really need to convince him to do something (like get on his scale every other Friday).

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timber's favorite treat is probably cheese. He gets pretty excited about a boiled chicken wing too though, and it is better for him! I really limit the amount and frequency of the cheese, and usually use it only when i really need to convince him to do something (like get on his scale every other friday).


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You may want to keep in mind that Goldfish Crackers contain GMO ingredients like Canola oil and Soybean, two of the most prevalent GMO products, both of which are extremely high in pesticide residue. GMOs are having negative health effects on lab rats (tumors and shortened life span) and on people too. Until they are proven safe they have no place in my kitchen.

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