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I have made a big mistake introducing my greys to each other.


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Can someone please give me advice? I just adopted a second grey which is a female. I have a male, ziggy which I weaned myself. Anyways, ziggy is 3 1/2 y/o and bubbles is 4 1/2. I have had bubbles for only 3 day's now. She is a sweetheart and also tame. I have them in different rooms where they cannot see eachother yet but they do talk to eachother in the morning and evening. I plan 2 breed them. Hoping they choose to b mates. When should I start to let them see eachother. I know I'll have 2 move their cages closer to eachother very slowly. Any advice?


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I am a single bird owner, so can't help. From what I've read on other posts, you are doing things correctly as far as introduction. You've indicated that you already know they may never choose to become mates or even friends. Hopefully someone with more experience will come along and have more input. Good luck!

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I have 3 parrots all came to me at different times. You are on the right track so far. I would move the cages into the same room but not too close. Allow then to get used to each other by sight for a short while. Maybe taking them out one at a time so they have time to spend with you. If you plan to breed, I don’t believe bonded parrots to a human do very well at breeding. There are no guarantees they will even bond to each other to want to breed. Please do tons and tons of research before you attempt to breed them, the success rate is not very high.  Or trying to discourage you, but you have to be very knowledgeable to be successful at this. Look for posts from Dave007 here, he was a very good breeder and knew everything there is to know the good and the bad. He has excellent advise. Sadly he has passed away, but his love and knowledge is still here for all to learn from. Best of luck and keep us posted. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank u both so much. They've been in the same room for about 4 days now. I put the cages really close Tonight and he climbed onto her cage, but appeared aggressive to her and she was moving away from him. So I picked her up. I'm moving the cages further apart again. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Never ever try and rush things with a grey. I believe from your posts that you have only had your second bird Bubbles for a month or thereabouts. Moving to a new home with new people, new animals and a new routine is a massive upheaval for a bird. They need time to settle down and familiarise themselves with their new environment and everyone/everything in it. This can take a while on it's own. And then suddenly there's another grey encroaching on their cage/space. You have to go at your birds' pace, not your own. It may take weeks, it may take months. But every time you try and force a grey to do something they really don't want to do you could set their progress back.

Similarly, your first grey, Ziggy has suddenly had a new bird appear in his space- so that's a change that he needs to get used to as well. He may be a bit more curious than Bubbles as he's already familiar with your home, routine and family etc. But he still may take some time to get used to the new addition, especially if he's been an only bird for a while.

It's also worth noting that your greys may NEVER get on. That's always a possibility and one you'll have to manage if it happens.

This is one reason why I haven't added another bird to my house- I've had Alfie for 18 years and he's used to being an only bird. I'd only ever consider adding a second bird if I knew I could give them enough time and attention separately and away from each other, if they didn't get along.




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I don't think I could have received a better response. I've had ziggy since 8 wks. I completed weaning him myself. So, I  believe he's always felt spoiled, which he has. So I believe I have increased jealousy. We're outside right now. (South Florida) and they're about 4 feet away from eachother, chirping. So, maybe I'm doing something right. Ty so much. By the way, I noticed my new grey has a few red feathers on her neck! 😊 gonna continue to go real slow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never force your greys to get too close to each other. It has to be THEIR idea.   I would not put their cages too close. Allow then their own space without feeling threatened. their cage is their safe haven and they should never feel threatened or scared by another being too close.  You can cause nervousness that will never go away, plucking acting out. IF they decide to want to be friends, it is completely up to them & you can't force the issue no matter how much you want them to.  I have 3 and they are by no means friends to the point of wanting to be close together. They TOLERATE &  co-exist, but that is it.  They have been together over 12 years & other than whistling back & forth to each other, that is the extent, they wont even eat off the same plate together..one is always fearfull of the other being a bully!

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