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Jude's pictures


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Aw, bless that sweet little baby face. The photo of Jude on a shoulder with droopy eyes and a foot tucked up is the look of bliss. It looks like a sweet smile on Jude's face, I bet the same smile is on your face too. What a cutie. Thanks for figuring out the photos, sometimes it still takes me a few tries. Great job.

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Such a cutie, so adorable. Too many peanuts though, its like giving your child 10 large bags of chips... I would treat him with one occasionally. Maybe once a day or every couple of days, especially if you are offering him other nuts. Please keep sharing photos :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you everyone for the replies, he is my baby and does make me smile everyday, I didn't realise about the monkey nuts though because they come in his bag of food I buy he tends to pick them straight out so I bought a separate bag from the pet shop for his playtime, I have cut back on these and replaced with dried banana chips for a treat as he seems to love those as well, he does have selection of other nuts his favourite seem to be brazil nuts, he has found quite a taste for grapes but his favourite are little juicy satsumas, if I don't put them on top of his bowl for breakfast he throws everything else out to get to them lol, I shall make sure I post some more pictures :)

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