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How are old your parrots?


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How old are your parots? I'd like to know it. My friend had had grey a he died las week. She is very very sad because she lost her honey. He was 8. Other owner had got grey. He died when he was 9. My grey is four. Is it true that thay live so shortly? I thought that they live about fifty sixty years.

Edited by petrik1
gramatical mistake
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Timber (TAG) is supposed to be about 5. He is a rehome, so I will never know for sure. All I do know is that he is an adult and not a baby! If you are concerned, there are things you can do to help your bird live a long life. See the threads about diet, lighting, etc. If you have already done so, I apologize, but you never know. Birds, like people and other pets, can die before their time from disease, genetic defects etc. I just pray over Timber daily and do all I know to do to give him what he needs to thrive.

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Josey is 6 years old and yes their life expectancy is 50+ years or more but a lot of things factor in like with us humans as some people die young because of poor nutrition and living habits. There are also medical reasons for some just as humans have diseases and illnesses that shorten life so you want to ensure that you are providing optimal nutrition, proper exercise and enough sleep time to give them the best chance at a long life.

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So many things are toxic to these birds any room fresheners, some candles, teflon non stick cookware pesticides on fruits & veggies or sprayed around your home. Some crockery also can contain Lead or Arsnic in levels that are enough to affect them way before us. High fat high sodium high sugar foods can do damage to the liver, kidneys and heart just like us. With out having a a Veterinarian do a post mortem exam it is difficult to know if these birds carried an infection, had a genetic heart defect or were poisoned by something they are, breathed in or chewed on including their cages as some are made with ingredients containing lead or zinc. One of my Greys is 24 -25 years old now 2 of them are less than 4 yrs and one is unknown.

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so many things are toxic to these birds any room fresheners, some candles, teflon non stick cookware pesticides on fruits & veggies or sprayed around your home. Some crockery also can contain lead or arsnic in levels that are enough to affect them way before us. High fat high sodium high sugar foods can do damage to the liver, kidneys and heart just like us. With out having a a veterinarian do a post mortem exam it is difficult to know if these birds carried an infection, had a genetic heart defect or were poisoned by something they are, breathed in or chewed on including their cages as some are made with ingredients containing lead or zinc. One of my greys is 24 -25 years old now 2 of them are less than 4 yrs and one is unknown.


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Remember guys.... no matter how old or young they are, it is important to establish homes for them, if something happens to you. It doesn't matter, how old or young you are! Take care of this. It is important. My gang have a home with friends, until kids are established in their careers and can take their babies. Sunny and Sophie go to Ryan, Kiki goes to Sean. Nancy

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Jake hatched on April 3. He is not quite 6 months old. I can't find anything to back it up by my vet said that the critical times are within the first year, year 3, 5 year increments beginning at age 5, and 3 year increments beginning at age 20. What she calls critical years are when she likes to see her patients twice a year instead of once. She probably told me why that is but I cannot remember now.

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My Ozzy is 35ish. She is a Congo A.G.


Wow that is about the oldest one we have here, have you had her all that time or is she a rehome or rescue? Please tell us more about yourself and Ozzy, why not introduce yourself in the welcome room and indulge us with all about her.

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She is with us forever! My boss gave her to me. We love her! She did lay another egg the other night. The first one we found in the bottom of the cage, ao we took it out. This one is in her birdhouse and she won't let us near it. Hope she gets tired of it soon. Do not know how long it takes for it to start smelling bad.:(

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