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Guest Jocelyn

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We are going to meet our first potential Grey tonight… Who knows maybe he’s the one!


He came from a rough first home and the owners bought him and a female as a bonded pair. They are not bonded however and needed to be separated. He is just under 2 and is very shy, he is not warming up to anyone but their child, and he really likes her though. He is not aggressive either though, he just runs away whenever you go to pick him up. They have quote priced him accordingly (ie he’s a few hundred cheaper, realistically though when your already paying this much a few hundred is not going to be a decision maker). Me and hubby have discussed it and a Grey who may have a few issues is fine, as we have years to figure it out (oh and you guys on this forum ;), and the internet, and our local parrot club)


He is staying with a male right now and the owners fully admit his cage is too small and he is not getting enough time out of it (thankfully we home most of the time and already have bought a decent sized cage in preparation months ago). Though I assume even if he comes home with us, he will stay in the small old cage for a while so he at least has some constant from the old home. He has been around other pets before which is good because we own other animals. We also have a nice bright sunshiny spare room he can relax in until he is ready to meet the family. Maybe we will keep the other cage in their as a separate sleep cage.


Anyway wish us three (me hubby and Grey) luck.

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Well, I wanna wish you the best of luck. Just remember that a 2 yr old shy bird is a bit easier to handle than a 2 yr old slightly aggressive bird. 2 yrs old means that he's still a baby. Sounds like there's good potential there. Just ocialize your bird into the family. Get everyone involved and my best to you and the family.

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Thats what I was thinking too. Right now its just me and Hubby but we have lots of people over 98% of them are animal lovers, so we have plenty of opertunities for socializing I think.

I think I will be on here 24/7 needing help because its been a year of research but now that were getting close to crunch time I feel like I dont know nearly enough.

So whether its this Grey or not, expect a lot more questions from me lol.



Also does anyone have any good tips for helping a Shy Grey get settled?

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Thats what I was thinking too. Right now its just me and Hubby but we have lots of people over 98% of them are animal lovers, so we have plenty of opertunities for socializing I think.

I think I will be on here 24/7 needing help because its been a year of research but now that were getting close to crunch time I feel like I dont know nearly enough.

So whether its this Grey or not, expect a lot more questions from me lol.



Also does anyone have any good tips for helping a Shy Grey get settled?


Here's some things to think about---

There's plenty of things that the bird has to get used to in his new home---household habits---new people----other pets----new environment----general hustle and bustle of the house etc etc. That usually takes months, not weeks. The bird has to first feel assured and comfortable in it's new house. Lots of talking to the bird, having the bird in the middle of everything that goes on in the house on a daily basis. The bird has to learn your habits, the husband's habits. Immediate intense physical handling is not a good idea right now. At this time, it's not a good idea to have lots of strangers constantly hanging around your bird. There's a couple of 'classification' names that apply to all pre owned adult parrots that're adopted. One is 'the bird has a past history' and the other is 'the bird has some baggage attached'. Most of the time, history and baggage can't be gotten rid of. It can be modified though as soon as your new bird realizes that many things are now different.

Offer treats in such a way that he is unable to bite your fingers. I suggest holding a tiny bit of the treat between your thumb and first finger. Most of the treat will be sticking out and it should be easy to determine if the bird is going for your fingers or for the treat. If he takes the treat, all well and good. If he goes for your fingers, ostentatiously drop the treat into his bowl inside the cage from the outside of the cage and return to your seat.

The treat must be one that he wants. Many birds like pine nuts, pecans, almonds, crushed bits of Nutriberries, a quarter piece of grape, etc. Experiment to determine what treat the bird likes best and use this treat at no other time except when you are offering it, whether the bird is in his cage or on the playstand or cage, etc.

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Good luck! I hope this is the one for you but if it doesn't feel "right" don't hesitate to walk away. On the cage thing... I rehomed Timber in June of this year. I let him keep the old, small cage because I thought he would be more comfortable. Now I wonder if that was a mistake, because he has no interest in the "palace" and is still residing in the dump-worthy cage. Others with experience can chime in, but I'm wondering if you wouldn't be better off transporting him in a carrier then putting him right in the new cage. Since he will be a bit traumatized anyway with the move, maybe it is better to do it all at once? Chime in here people :)


As for getting him settled, I'm no expert there either but I would say no raised voices, no jerky movements to startle him etc. Just sit in a chair by his cage and read something to him. It will depend on how shy he is, and how he behaves when you get him home. They are all different, and his reaction to you and the new house may be totally unexpected, one way or the other.

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My boy (or should I hubby's boy of course I pay for him and he immediately chooses the hubby lol) is home! He is shy and nervous but not fear issues I would say. We tried to have him in the quiet room and he hated that! He screeched untill we returned. Now hes in our dining room in the centre of it all and still a little nervous but not much screeching. Mt mom who thinks keeping birds is wrong, immediately fell in love and is calling herself birdy grandma. (Dave I will take your advice about the company, moms is kinda here all the time so we dont really consider her company.

His wings are clipped pretty darn short by the looks of things, I think we will let them grow out a bit.

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My boy (or should I hubby's boy of course I pay for him and he immediately chooses the hubby lol) is home! He is shy and nervous but not fear issues I would say. We tried to have him in the quiet room and he hated that! He screeched untill we returned. Now hes in our dining room in the centre of it all and still a little nervous but not much screeching. Mt mom who thinks keeping birds is wrong, immediately fell in love and is calling herself birdy grandma. (Dave I will take your advice about the company, moms is kinda here all the time so we dont really consider her company.

His wings are clipped pretty darn short by the looks of things, I think we will let them grow out a bit.


I guess congrats are in order. Glad that you're happy so far. It sounds like his personality is gonna be easy to work with. Congrts to your mom too. Bet she never thought she'd have another kid so late in life. Yeah, be cool with the company for the time being. Let him become a part of the immediate family first. Let the wings just grow out completely. There's always time in the future to decide if wing clipping is really necesary. Have a good time.

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I agree we will let them grow then decide from there


Also this is his old cage when he is more settled we will move him to the nice one

Edited by Jocelyn
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congrads he looks like a fine boy :) I'am sure you will do just fine with him


I really hope so I feel super nervous now. Like having a baby, you prep prep prep and bring them home and freak out because now I feel incompetent, I keep thinking hes like a child who will live with us forever, how can I possibly make something so intelligent happy?

Its gonna be tough that's for sure...

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Congrats on your new addition. You're right, that looks like a really severe clip. Be careful when he's out of the cage to keep things quiet, no sudden movements or noise that might starle him off his perch. With that clip he'll land hard. You'll know pretty quickly how jumpy/nervous he is. My Dorian was also a re-home that had always been clipped and was extremely likely to startle (he's still a bit of a nervous nelly, but much more confident.). Check out the Rescue forum room. You can read the stories of others like me with re-homed birds and it will give you some good ideas on making him comfortable.


As for him choosing your husband, that seems to be common with these little goofs. It's like they look around, figure out who wants them most, and then go out of their way to choose someone else as "their" person. Dorian had no choice in the matter. It was me or the cat. Lol. Have fun getting to know your new family member.

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Congrats on your new companion. What is is name? He looks great!


Thanks his name is Romeo. I dont think he really knows it, but I like it so I think we will keep it. Hes actually not too nervous at all but I think he will become much more brave when the wings grow, he has one feather long on the end of one wing is that okay?

Also all he will eat is his seeds, they had pellets too but he doesnt like them so they didnt make him eat them. He is willing to try new veggies though so hopefully he will eat some chop. And we can get him on a pellet he likes

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Thanks his name is Romeo. I dont think he really knows it, but I like it so I think we will keep it. Hes actually not too nervous at all but I think he will become much more brave when the wings grow, he has one feather long on the end of one wing is that okay?

Also all he will eat is his seeds, they had pellets too but he doesnt like them so they didnt make him eat them. He is willing to try new veggies though so hopefully he will eat some chop. And we can get him on a pellet he likes


When I brought Maverick home he was only eating Harrisons pellets. The bird store by my house sells food by weight so I bought a little of like 3 or 4 other kinds of foods and started adding them in with his Harrisons so he could have a little variety. Eventually he started snacking on the others in addition to his Harrisons. Good for him because he gets a nice flavor mix and good for me because his Harrisons lasts a little longer (and that stuff is PRICEY!).

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Well he said his first word around us. A bad word too lol hubby was ignoring him in another room and all of the sudden out of nowhere SHI-

Lol got a little potty mouth in the house

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It is endlessly frustrating, but in Timber's case he does 98% of his talking to get my attention. That means I am in another room and can't make out a lot of what he says. I can hear some on the webcam now that I have most of the background noise eliminated.


Hopefully, he knows some "family friendly" words! ;)

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