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Goodbye to Ivan


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I will no longer be visiting grey forums. I went out of town yesterday to spend some time with family. I got a call from my close friend who stays with my animals while I was there, she was frantic. Ivan had somehow managed to open his water bowl door and squeeze himself out of his cage. He flew into the living room where five of my dogs were. They killed him. I am brokenhearted and racked with guilt and regret that I couldn't keep him safe. I can't imagine not securing that door properly, but I can't imagine he could get it open if it had been. I spent the evening surrounded by my family and crying a lot. I came home today, and it is so much worse than I thought it would be, sitting here without him here holding a bag of his feathers and just feeling so much pain and guilt. I am so sorry my grey boy. Fly free. I am just so awfully sorry my boy.


Thank you to everyone who welcomed me and was kind to me here.

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Oh my.......I am so very sorry. Can only imagine the pain you are going thru right now. Please don't blame yourself. Cherish the memories you have and celebrate his life as best you can. We want you to stay,but understand it may be too painful.


Perhaps one day, you will find room in your heart for a new addition. Keep in touch please. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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I'm so sorry! I know how much you loved him. But please don't do that to yourself. Almost all of us, and that's a huge number, have had our birds escape at some time. Nothing to do w/negligence. It's just how incredibly smart they are. One of of so many things that so many of us admire about them. Sometimes it's one of the things we can't protect them against, too. So please try to let that go & hold on to the memories you have to treasure.

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My post seems to have gone missing? I am so so very sorry. There is a lump in my chest and I can not even find the words....I know your pain is great, please know you will be missed here. Ivan will be missed dearly, may he rest in peace and may you someday find room in your heart for another. Hugs.

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I am so sorry to hear of Ivan's passing but it was not your fault and you did everything you could to make him safe, its natural to blame yourself but know that Ivan knew you loved him and he will be missed, hold those recent memories close to your heart and maybe someday you will be blessed with another grey, again please accept my condolenses on your loss.

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I'm sitting here crying. :(.


I'm so very sorry. Nothing I can say will adequately convey how awful I feel for you. Please know it's not your fault. Greys are famous escape artists.


I'm going to PM you my email and number. Please call/write anytime if you need to talk, cry, anything!

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I lost two precious little grass parakeets that way many years ago, had no idea they could escape. Came home form a some event I cannot even remember and they had been roughed up and died (no punctures). Broken harted could not stop crying, sobbing, hard to breathe. A horrible dreadful day and a at the bottom feeling as there was nothing you could have done differently not knowing he would find a way to open that feed door. You will always love him and miss him and he will always live in your heart and head. If you feel like staying with us after you recover from the shock we would enjoy your company and continue to learn together about these sometimes too clever Grey companions.

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Thank you so much everyone. It has been a really difficult couple of days. I have a bag of his feathers and spent yesterday afternoon and evening with my other birds, listening to the music I listened to with Ivan and watching videos of him. I am pretty wrecked. My father in law just called and I was, of course, crying and he said, "Well, I guess the best thing would be for you to get another one, right?" I thought, "Never, how could I?". I loved him so deeply, I can't imagine living with a grey that isn't him. He was so much work but I didn't mind because it was him.


In the morning today when I am waking up, I lie in bed and listen to Ivan practice his speech. Whatever words or phrases he is working on, he will practice over and over in the mornings. This morning was so quiet, there was just nothing. I was lying in bed crying and I heard little Autumn say, "Yes!". It is all she can say. She started to say it over and over and then the others started to whistle. When I came in here, I let everyone out, something I haven't done in a year because they couldn't be out with Ivan. Nemo flew around the room and when I put up my arm, he landed on it, something he has never done before. I felt happy, until I recovered Ivan's leg band. As awful and as final as that makes things, maybe I can move a little forward.


I thought I would share a few of his videos here since I am not sure any of you ever saw them.




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