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Weird reaction to headphones.


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funny when I get home from work and I have on my sunglasses and I tell marco mommys home she tilts her head and chirps cuz she hears/sees me however when i take her out of her cage she shys away until I pull my glasses up and say SEE its mommy and then shes fine .. she sure dont like them :rolleyes: I thought they were cute :P but I do pick her up with them on so she sees they arent scarey and i even let her try to nibble at them a second to see they are safe! but its something so small and silly that they react to!! amazing really

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I suspect the head phones for whatever reason are something your TAG wants badly. If I want my grey to step up when I know he has no desire to, I get something he loves like a food item or perhaps my cell phone, the minute he see's it, the foot goes up :).


As others have said, normally something odd on you like a hat or headphones causes an action of not wanting anything to do with you. But, something about those headphones are a "Must Have" to your TAG.

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