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I made a very inexpensive swing out of a grapevine wreath. Also made one from a Dollar Store craft wreath. They particularly like chewing them up! Shadow's (CAG) favorite though is her stainless powder coated swing with the cement perch. It was worth every penny. I would be interested in seeing others ideas here as well. I made a boing that was a big hit and have been contemplating the swing as well.

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BeeFernandez22 Many greys LOVE swings! Some LOVE toys.... or you may have a grey, like I do, that doesn't give a hoot about toys. Just wants to be part of the family. If your baby is in the category of not giving a crap about toys, it would be a good bonding experience to build one together. Baby may never use it... but I suspect the building together, would be a great bonding experience. Nancy

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I just bought a real nice swing today for the java tree they share thinking Rocky would love it wellto my suprise he was scared to death of it poor baby but I think he will be ok once he gets used to it , Brandi just loved it she sat on it for a few minutes then climbed back up to the tree I will try and get some pics of it tomorrow maybe with Rocky on it lol

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Buy 3 Hula Hoops, interlace them and wrap in Vet Wrap and you have a Atom......


I did something like this...I wrapped hula hoops in rope. They are awesome...but the birds are still terrified of it. Even the toucans! I worked so hard on it...it's hanging in the aviary, waiting for someone to use it (funny story: the aviary door was open one day, and I caught a Mockingbird sitting on it. Of course!)

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Go to the "dollar store" buy a $1.00 Hula Hoop, [sMALL OR LARGE] Wrap in Vet Wrap, and hang from ceiling!!!! Buy 3 Hula Hoops, interlace them and wrap in Vet Wrap and you have a Atom......


That's exactly what I did almost a year ago. Guess what? Everything is still sitting in my garage......haven't had te time to put it all together yet.....ugh!

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Or as I did, I got the bug to make an awesome atom toy, I went to the hardware store, got the flexible sprinkler system hose and to the hobby store for the right kind of sisal to wrap it and it is STILL in the closet because mine would not accept it. I keep bringing it out to try it again and have the idea that someday.... maybe. When I see videos of other parrots swinging delightedly, I show Gilbert and ask if that looks like fun. Noooo. Not yet. I just love watching everyone else's swinging good times though.

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I've made a few swings out of tree bark from my backyard. It's the same wood that I used as perches for cages and playstands. That way, the swings can be all different thicknesses.


I thought about this. I was also wanting to make a "Tree" playstand using some branches from my parents home. They live in a wooded area where I know nothing is treated chemically so it would be safe in that respect. Have you done this? What do I need to do to the wood once I get it home?

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First, you would need to take off the outer bark, clean it by wetting it and using some liquid soap. Rinse thoroughly and put it in the bathtub until it dries. It'll dry quickly because the bark has ben removed. Then cut up different sized lengths of wood and use screws or nails to attach to each other. Make any design you want. Use your imagination. The same goes for the swing. Cut 3 pieces of wood any length you want and nail or scre them together. These are 2 tht I made for 3 greys a while back. The wood under the bark is extremely hard so don't worry about the bird chewing and destroying it.





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More than likely, in your part of the country right now, it's cold outside so go to your grandma's house and look around for all the branches that are dead and laying on the ground. They're hard and brittle and dry. As far as what kind of wood to use, most any will do except maple because the branches always stay soft. More than likely if the branches you're talking about at grandma, will generally be oak. It's the most common. Use different thicknesses and lengths. Don't worry about being esthetic because the birds really don't care what they look like. Dead wood is the best and easiest to get to. Believe it or not, the items in those pictures would cost a fortune in a pet store. It only cost me the price of some screws and nails. PS, it's a good idea to have a screwdriver, hammer around plus a couple of small clamps to hold wood together while you're screwing/hammering.

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Believe it or not, the items in those pictures would cost a fortune in a pet store. It only cost me the price of some screws and nails.


This one I purchased about a month ago cost me.... you ready?....150 bucks!!! Eeeeek I could die when I see what you made out of things I have so readily available. Live and learn I suppose. I want one for the downstairs area as well so that is the one I will be building. Bet it comes out better than the purchased one, too!

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More than likely, in your part of the country right now, it's cold outside..


LOL. It was 101 at my house yesterday.


Those perches are fantastic. I have a bottlebrush tree - great wood for perches. I also have a bad habit of pulling over and grabbing branches off the side of the road. Elm is great for the toucans.

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