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Do you know where your grey is

Ray P

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This happened a year or so ago.

Our master bedroom is on an upper level in our home and is some distance from corkys cage.

We put her to bed one night and covered her cage and we went to bed.

the next morning when I woke up I was on my back and as I looked down there was Corky perched on my foot. It was still dark and how she got there I do not know.

She had opened the food door on her new cage, climbed out (the cage was still covered) down to the floor of the great room. She had to have walked because it was still dark down 3 steps across the family room and up a flight of steps to the hall going to the bedroom, down the hall and than climbed on to the bed and perched on my foot.

This was a new cage because she kept getting out of her old one.

Edited by Ray P
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This was a new cage because she kept getting out of her old one.



LOVE IT! Did you lock down those food doors? We learned the hard way that Shadow could open the food doors too. Nothing a nice little spring clip couldn't fix.

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This was a new cage because she kept getting out of her old one.

Looool! Too funny! Guess the new cage is not that great either! Lol You have a really smart little bird there!:-D

Great story Ray!


Fortunately, I know where my birdie is...-he is munching away behind me. He has been at it for a while now;-)

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Good one Ray. Although with Gilbert's new attitude, now I might have to lock my bedroom door when I go to bed tonight. When we got our five month old boy Juno, he was getting out of his upper door. I think it is made to attach a nest box. I discovered that is how he was getting out so I put a strong zip tie on it. The next day, he was out again. The zip tie was holding firm so that wasn't it. He had taken the screw out of the bottom of his big cage door and it was hanging ajar. When I put it back together, I put some glue in the hole first and he was always trying to unscrew it again.

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I have only had one bird escape and only for about 20 minutes I think that was Opey our quaker he used to always some how get the main cage door , the big front door open some how and get out after I closed it and locked it ,he had me thinking I was loosing my mind a little but we fixed that no more escape for Opey and people think quakers aren't smart lol

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CLB or anyone...could you post a pic of how you secure your doors? Gryph is in his sister's cage right now because he gets out of his old one, (he would unscrew the bolts and take his doors completely off until I put locking nuts on them) and she is in his because she hasn't figured out how to unlatch the doors. I really want to get a new cage that is bigger for Gryph, but I'm worried about the doors being unsecured again and this one seems to be working for now. If I could figure out a good clasp to lock them down that would be perfect!


I currently have doors like this:


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I have 2 out of 4 that make escapes. Gabby, when she wants, opens a door and comes right out. Bubba gave me a little shock yesterday too. I had taken everyones water bowl out to change them before i went to work, i put Bubbas back in and was walking to Olivers cage when i spotted this bird climbing his play fridge. I looked back to see Bubbas cage was empty, i wonder what i was talking to when i put his food and water back in, all the doors were latched! I mean really, how do you not notice a big macaw isn't in his cage?? I was told when we got him that he could escape any cage and once out he would go around and let all the birds out of their cages, they had to padlock him in. I did not believe this, okay, now i do!!

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Sophie can open any cage, no matter what I do. No big deal... I no longer close their cage doors. They took over my living room, I turned it into a bird room. She can't open main doors thank goodness! When I take her to the groomer, it is a five minute drive, so she behaves. Five more minutes, she would open the door to her carrier. Her patience goes only so far! Nancy

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I thought I had an escapee today... I was in the kitchen and had put a paper grocery bag in the bottom of Timber's cage. I was doing dishes etc. and things really got quiet. I looked and didn't see Timber anywhere. Turned out he was standing inside the paper bag. The funny thing was, he stayed in there for about 10 minutes, silent, and seemingly with no motion. I still don't know what he was doing, but he seemed pleased! He's pretty skittish, and I was amazed that he would go totally in the bag and stay that long.

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