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Most of you know me as Zulus Mom. As you may have read, Zulu died the day before I was to pick him up and bring him home. The store did get necropsy results back and it seems he had a congenital kidney disease that would have ended in his passing, it was simply a matter of when.


For obvious reasons, I couldnt bear to come here and see posts about him, or use that user name and I havent been around for a while. The powers that be were kind enough to change my name for me.


I am now Darwins Mom. I was fortunate enough to find Darwin shortly after Zulu passed away. Darwin was hatched April 14th, 2012, so he is 18 weeks old. He was born at his breeders house, parent raised until 4 weeks and then hand raised. He is fully flighted, fully health tested (this was not negotiable) and DNA sexed male. He is also awesome. Intelligent, sweet, cuddly and inquisitive. He has made getting over the shock of losing Zulu that much more bearable. He has been home for 2 weeks now, and aside from a few hiccups that are to be expected with the move, he is doing very well. He's being abundance weaned, still likes his night time feed, and we'll continue that for as long as he wants it. He's been dong flight recalls since day 2, he picked "come fly" up REALLY well, now we need to work on "STAY" lol lol


So, I think that brings us up to speed and explains the name change. I'll try to see if I can remember how to post pics.












And some video...



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Darwin looks great! Excellent set up! Another spoiled fid in the making! Welcome.


Oh yes. I have about 100 toys all waiting to go into rotation, 6 swings, 2 boings, table top play stands, hanging javawood play stands, and two 100 liter rubbermaid tubs full of toy parts to make more toys or replace parts.


Errr.....spoiled may be an understatement....lol


This is one of his boing toys I made. It has a stainless rod running up the middle and I loaded it with toys and foraging blocks etc...




And I made 2 out of 3 of these swings, the wooden triangle one and the PVC orb swing.



And some of the foraging blocks we made for him. The holes are stuffed with walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts in the shell.



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Great looking toys you made. I wish I was as handy!


Not really that handy, they were super easy to make. If you are on Facebook there is a group called the Parrots Workshop and they have lots of ideas and instructions for tons of stuff. The only real hard one was the rod in the middle of the boing, attaching the ends was harder not nothing horrific. Also, if it hasnt been listed here before, this booklet is excellent http://www.onafricanwings.com/Parrot%20Enrichment%20and%20Activity%20Book.pdf

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Yes, and thanks for the hints on the FB pages, seems to be good info there. As I was surfing, I found the following and thought it was great so wanted to share. Many of you may have already read it.




I am on that site, and the FB page. Did you join the Parrots Pantry, Parrot Workshop and Parrots Feather groups on FB? Some excellent people on there. Also I am on some fabulous yahoo email groups too for Greys and parrot behaviour and training etc...

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I just got the chance to get online and found this thread first. Darwin is adorable. I am so happy that you have him in your life. He is just so sweet. It was uplifting to see him fly to you in the video. He is a lucky boy to come to heal your heart and I am glad you are back to share his life with us.

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I just got the chance to get online and found this thread first. Darwin is adorable. I am so happy that you have him in your life. He is just so sweet. It was uplifting to see him fly to you in the video. He is a lucky boy to come to heal your heart and I am glad you are back to share his life with us.


This is the one place you can rattle on about the things they do or post 10000 pics and people LIKE it....lol After the 40th Facebook post my friends ask me if I have anything else to say other than bird stuff...lol


He flies to me constantly now,I just put out my hand nad there he is, then I toss him up and he flies back to his perch, and sometimes he just boomerangs back and lands on me again and will do this over and over and over again. Great exercise and reinforcing a good recall at the same time. He's got great control, dead perfect mid air turning, and terrific landings now, after just 2 weeks of flying in the house. *mutters clumsy Greys my ass* I need to take more video, its been crummy and overcast here today. Yesterday we put his harness on twice, not a peep of resistance, and we went for a walk around the block and saw dogs and kids and things. He just sat on my hand and looked around.


The only thing he does now is a sort of baby squawk that can be grating on occasion, usually if he is hungry or wants my attention but its mixed with a mutter and he has the syllables and inflection down for "hello" but not the actual word yet. The 2nd day he was home he started digging like a mad man and squawking but it didnt last long. We took him in and out of his cage constantly to show him if we put him in he would get to come out again, reward for quiet behaviour and ignore the squawking, and lots of quiet reply to his communication calls. Its hilarious, when I whisper "hello" he "whispers" back a squawk...too funny!

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