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Walters Nuts


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No he just likes to play with them but his not strong enough to break them {yet}


Phenix loves nuts. He can open most of them in no time flat. I don' t know if they're just not strong enough when they're younger. And the older birds may just not like them enough to be bothered? Although I can't imagine watching my guys!


But acorns have tannins & are on the unsafe list



Some types of wild birds do eat them. But birds metabolisms can differ a great deal. So those are one of the things to be cautious about feeding. I was so disappointed when I saw this because of course I've got tons & tons of the silly things.

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opps its a hazelnut I always get them mixed up with almonds. But thanks for reminding me that acorns are toxic. I understand Bitter almonds are very toxic but sweet almonds are fine is that correct?

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Sweet almonds are usually greyt unless the bird's allergic, which can happen. Shell on is generally good foraging, too. Until Walter can actually open his own, you might give him a slight head start at one end, though.





I haven't found any list that covers everything. But the link that I ref'd earlier is pretty comprehensive. http://www.avianweb.com/toxicfoods.html lists bitter almonds as especially toxic to birds.



For anyone who isn't familiar w/bitter almonds -


"The bitter almond is a cousin to the sweet almond and contains traces of lethal prussic acid in its raw state. Although the toxicity is destroyed by heat, the sale of unrefined bitter almonds is prohibited in the United States. Fifty unprocessed bitter almonds can be lethal to a human. Yet, bitter almonds are successfully processed to make almond extract and almond-flavored liqueurs."



Edited by birdhouse
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