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Rehoming my Pepper


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My CAG is named Pepper. He (he has been DNA typed as male) has been in my family for 20 years and we are the original owners since we purchased him at 10 months old. HIs hatchday is on 2/26/1992. He was originally my mother's bird and I've taken over his care for the last 12 years after she passed. He is a beautiful bird and extremely healthy. Unfortunately, because of a series of life changes and my job, I can't give him the quality time he deserves and he stays in his California cage looking out his window for most of the day. He's only out of his cage for about 4 hours a day. He's hand raised and although nervous around strangers, he calms down pretty quickly. This is a difficult decision to make and one I don't take lightly. I love this bird and want only the best for him. I'm looking for someone in the Dallas, TX area who is an experienced bird owner (but not bird hoarder or breeder) who could give my friend a forever home. If you have an African Grey already that could be his companion, so much the better. He has his own cage and just needs plenty of love.

Thank you,

Paul & Pepper


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He is a beautiful boy Paul. I know you will find the perfect home for him. We have a rehomed TAG and have worked hard to get him settled. Georgia is a long way from Dallas, but we do drive through there on occasion. I am hoping you find someone closer but he certainly has potential for being a wonderful companion. Good luck with your search, follow your heart.

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Paul, I can tell this is a tough decision for you - but sounds like you are really trying to do best for your bird! I'm in Los Angeles, so I'm no help. But I'll keep posting to keep this at the top of the "new post" section. Hopefully, someone will see it at the right time!!

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Timing is everything. When I rehomed Gilbert, I knew I wasn't ready right after losing Kopi. But, it was brought up again a few months later and I considered it and drove nine hours one way to get him and have never regretted it for a minute. I know you are wanting to keep Pepper close to home in Dallas, but if the right opportunity came up and someone was a little more distant, I would be willing to help with transporting Pepper. It may be possible to have your vet speak to a prospective adoptive home vet to help with the process to ensure he is placed in a kind, loving home. If there is anything we can do to help you in your care of Pepper, please send a private message. Good luck Paul.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, thank you for letting us know. My mind has been working overtime and I was thinking of asking our dental hygenist if she was up to having Pepper. She is enthralled with Gilbert and has me bring him to my cleaning appointments so she can talk to him and is very interested. The thing with your plan is that the organization that is taking Pepper will get to know him and has the experience to find the home that will match his personality and needs. Pepper is a beautiful bird and your care and love for him is obvious.

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