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Birdy smell


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Hi guys! Piper just came home last night and we are very excited to watch get comfortable in her home! It's so exciting to enjoy her here without having to go visit her. I do have a question for you experienced bird owners..... we have noticed that since we brought her home, we have noticed a very distinct bird smell in our apartment. Everything was brand new when we bought it, and the cage was fully set up (except for food out) for weeks before she came home. The only new additions are her, and her food. I know that aerosols are a big no-no, as well as regular candles... so I am looking for some advise for a solution. We absolutely adore HER, we would just like to eliminate the rather strong smell as soon as possible. My game plan is as follows:

Get some sealed containers for her different foods

Search for some beeswax candles

Introduce her to a shower, or spray bath, whatever she likes better, since I am sure she has not had a bath yet


Looking forward to hearing back from everyone... thanks in advance for the advice!

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I would DEFINATELY put her food in air tight containers to keep the flour moths away. The smell could just be a combination of all the new things you have. Give it a few days, and it most likely will dissipate . I don't notice much of a smell with my greys, but my amazon is completely different.

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I don't notice the smells but my partner does. It is in part from the food and part from Pipers feathers. I use giant glass containers to hold the food. I asked a local sandwich shop for the used pickle jars and they willingly gave them to me. I soaked the lids in a solution of baking soda and water for a few days and then put them in the sun for an afternoon. This got rid of the pickle smell. Another great source for large containers is the supermarket bakery. The doughnut fillings and cake icings come in food safe plastic buckets with handles and resealable lids. Not all containers are created equal so be sure you use containers intended for or that contained food. (Buckets from Home Depot are not food safe even though they look the same as the bakery buckets. The plastic is different.)

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We use the buckets from Firehouse Subs....food grade, with a gasket to completely seal the lid. The stores sell them for $2 as a donation to fireman's charity. This is a corporate program I am happy to support! Needless to say, we have firehouse buckets everywhere. Might be a bit large for the food of one parrot. :rolleyes:

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I am clueless too. Unless it is the food, I can't imagine what it could be. The only odor I notice with Timber is a not unpleasant smell when I'm up close petting him. I assume this is the normal "grey" smell others have mentioned, but as I say it isn't a bad smell, just his unique fragrance. I was really surprised that his droppings don't seem to have any particular odor. I'm used to cats and that is a different story!

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I don't notice any smell from Misty's dipping food but is mostly fruit and nuts. He has his main meal with me and shares some of my menu. I don't eat meat but he does enjoy a little fish. His droppings are not left any longer than it takes to clean them up but he mostly goes in the bathroom when I take him. I suppose with a bird that lives most of its day in a cage, the cage is going to have droppings hanging around although I think on a pong rating from 1 to10 Greys are about 2 and dogs and cats are between 8 and 11 . Misty won't go in his cage if he can possibly help it so I don't have that problem.

On the other hand I can smell his last meal on his breath. If I have truffel flavoured omelette, that smell is on him most of the next day although he only has a little! Otherwise there is a slight scent from his feathers that I actually like.


Steve n Misty

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I am happy to report that even with my cages in the kitchen next to my kitchen table, my visiting parents commented how surprised they were that there was "No smell". I would have to completely agree that is NOT the case with the cats. And my Amazon has her own unique amazon smell. : )

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Speaking about Amazons... BOY do they smell! HEAVENLY! They smell like something you have never smelled before. Kids and I always try to figure out what the smell is.Sean say's it " must be like the smell of the Amazon". Ryan say's she smells like walking in the woods after the rain. I haven't figured it out, WHAT she smells like, but it is intoxicating! We're always sniffing her! LOL! She probably thinks we're all crazy, but after we all play with her, I notice everyone digs their nose in her feathers and take a big wiff! Nancy

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I don't notice much of a smell with Alfie but then again I also live with two indoor cats- I definitely notice when they smell!

The only smell I notice is the smell of the cat litter I use to line the tray in the bottom of his cage. It's biodegradable and made from trees and sometimes gives off a faint smell. It's not an unpleasant smell at all though... it's like pine.

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Speaking about Amazons... BOY do they smell! HEAVENLY! They smell like something you have never smelled before. Kids and I always try to figure out what the smell is.Sean say's it " must be like the smell of the Amazon". Ryan say's she smells like walking in the woods after the rain. I haven't figured it out, WHAT she smells like, but it is intoxicating! We're always sniffing her! LOL! She probably thinks we're all crazy, but after we all play with her, I notice everyone digs their nose in her feathers and take a big wiff! Nancy


Ahh yes. Reminds me of the film Barbarella. There is a scene where the villainess played by Anita Pallenberg and her cohorts have an angel in the chamber of a giant hubble bubble so they can inhale his heavenly essence. Not that I wan't to give you any ideas you understand!;)


Steve n Misty

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Speaking about Amazons... BOY do they smell! HEAVENLY! They smell like something you have never smelled before. Kids and I always try to figure out what the smell is.Sean say's it " must be like the smell of the Amazon". Ryan say's she smells like walking in the woods after the rain. I haven't figured it out, WHAT she smells like, but it is intoxicating! We're always sniffing her! LOL! She probably thinks we're all crazy, but after we all play with her, I notice everyone digs their nose in her feathers and take a big wiff! Nancy



I agree!!! Love it!

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I think some people have a way more sensitive sense of smell than others & some for certain odors. All of my birds smell differently to me. Kura was nasty, filthy when she came home. I also think her previously bad diet contributed to her very unpleasant odor. It went away after a couple of weeks of normal bathing & good food. Bonus, now, everyone says her breath smells just like honey, too. :)


Cage sanitation shouldn't be the issue since the problem happened overnight. But the smell of bird poop may be something your household is particularly sensitive to. In which case you could add a light layer of cobb, shavings or unscented kitty litter to the cage tray. Just make sure Piper can't reach it.


One other thing could be if there's a problem w/Piper's metabolism. That can cause some stinky droppings. You should tell your vet when you take Piper in for her first check up. But if there aren't any real health issues causing it, then a decent diet may be all that's needed to eliminate the problem.

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When I want my place to smell nice, I get some oranges, lemons, and limes and boil the peels on the stove. It freshens the air without danger to your bird.


Jeff, I also boil cinnamon sticks. Delish!


Greys do have a slight odor. I love it. Not nearly as potent as a macaw. Daily sprays with a bottle and drenching at least once a week takes care of any extra powder.


Try putting little bowls of baking soda around the house. They absorb odors wonderfully without harming creatures. It could also be a old fruit/veggie issue, so change the bowls at least twice a day. For poop - papers need to be changed at least once a day, twice if you can - and use a distinfectant like AviClean or Poop Off (although, I don't like the Poop off smell). If you don't like the smell of either, you can always use white vinegar and water, or baking soda and water in a spray bottle.

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