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Maverick comes home tonight :)


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Well we just got Maverick tucked in for the night! He did so well!! Immediately making his kissy noices and snuggling with me! He said "hello" when I went to pick him up (I swear!!) I about died!! It wasn't completely clear but I said "Hello" and he definitely muttered it back. Isn't he way too young to be speaking? Am I just wishfully thinking?? Haha. I will post some pictures tomorrow when I can get some really good ones of him. I kinda let him be as he explored his new cage and toys, then I fed him some of the hand feeding formula (breeder said to offer it at night as a comfort thing) and then put him in his smaller sleep cage for the night. I can't wait for you all to meet him!!

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Thank you so much, everyone!! It is so good to be able to share in the excitement with all of you, knowing that you guys all know exactly where I am coming from. This is such a great group. I am sure I will have TONS of questions and it is so comforting to know you all are here! Today Mr. Maverick was a little more stand-off-ish than last night but I expected that. He is still getting used to all of the new surroundings and people. He LOVES mirrors, I discovered, as he sat on his sleep cage by a dresser mirror this morning. So funny.. he kept looking at himself and then would get his beak all the way up to the glass. He has never been by himself before, so I am not sure if he thought it was another bird or if he realized it was himself. Here are a few pics to share with you all, as promised!! Birdy5.jpg


The first one is his car ride home!! The other two are from this afternoon :)



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What a little beauty! Thanks for sharing the pics and his first adventures with us :) Good questions about the mirror. Since Timber is stepping up now I've been walking around the house with him. When we come to a mirror I let him look. He doesn't seem attracted or repelled, just stares. I always point and say "there's Timber in the mirror" but I never know what he thinks.

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Well he is already proving to be a spoiled little brat :) Has a hissy fit if he is in his cage and knows I am here..lol. We ATTEMPTED bath time tonight and boy he hated it. I am not sure how to tackle that one. He is also being EXTREMELY picky about his food. I am hoping it is still just because he is adjusting and a couple foods have been new. He is just such a joy, though! While in his cage, he really doesn't play with any of his toys.. is this normal?

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