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A strange eliminating issue.


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Jake does not want poop in or on his cage. He will make a morning bomb only if I take him out and start walking him toward the play gym. I might make it 4 or 5 steps before he lets loose or he'll go on the play gym if I really hustle him there. He holds it all day until I get home and we repeat the same sequence as in the morning. I have tried not opening the door in the morning, putting the same color towel over the cage grate as is under his play gym, and coming home 2 hours late. Nothing has worked. I am usually home at roughly the same time every day but there are times when I can't be due to traffic, bad weather, meetings, etc and it bothers me to think he might only poop once is a 20 to 24 hour period. What can I do to encourage him to poop in his cage?

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My grey Talon is the same way. Won't poop in here cage, no way, no how! I have a basket with a loop handle on it, I put 5 lb weights in the bottom and cut up a small puppy pad to lay over the weight. When I get her out of her cage, I then put her onto the potty basket and she will go poop every time! No mess, and I keep three of them on my counter in the kitchen for them to perch on and watch me cook.

I wouldn't worry, there will be times when eventually they will go if they have to. Talon will if she is left too long, but she is reluctant...

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Interesting to see the other side of things! Timber goes anytime, anywhere, whenever and wherever he feels like it. No manners at all! ;) I've looked at the training type things but I can't imagine trying to paper train him and add more stress. On top of that, wet wipes do the trick every time.

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Misty is like Jake. He does not like to go in his cage. He saves it up for when he comes out. Every morning I take him to the bathroom . I let him perch over the bath then I can wash it away instantly with the shower hose. I suspect that not pooping in their home is normal for a wild parrot as they nest in holes in trees where they rear their young.

As Misty is out all day he also has poop trays under his play gym otherwise I watch out for him and know when he wants to go so I can make sure he is in the right place. He rarely makes a mistake.

I do not find the smell of parrot poop offensive unlike cat or dog "gifts"


Steve n Misty

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Nancy honestly Jake can go where he pleases. I just worry about him holding it so long. Winter is coming and there is usually at least 1 good lake effect event that messes up my evening drive home. It isn't unusual for my ride home of 12 miles to take 4 or 5 hours and every few years the roads are closed all together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kyra does the same thing. I have to race to the trash can so she can let 'er loose. I need to get a poopy basket right there so I don't have to rush. I've almost slipped in her stuff when she let loose while walking. She will even hold it when we put her in her cage when we leave the house. Sometimes I forget and I get a present on my shoulder or back. But when she is out of her cage, she will poop anywhere and everywhere. She especially loves using my hubby as a potty stand...as my friend said, she loves the everloving poop out of my hubby. Buddy on the other hand, poops all over his cage. He doesn't care. And when I take it out and wash his cage out, he loves pooping all over it when he's back in there.

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Jake was in his cage from 11:30 am Sunday until 3:30 pm Monday. He did poop. They were big, like a morning bomb, so he must have held it for a good long while. Its funny how happy I was at birdie poop. It was a relief to know that he would go just in case. Driving bans because of snow do happen here on occasion.

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Sounds like Jake and Brutus feel the same.It is actually good that they prefer a certain spot to poop. Some do, some don't. Ultimately... when they have to, they will poop in their cage. Its not going to stress them out, and they are going to hold it for a relatively short time. Nancy


He holds it from 6 am until I get home between 3:30 and 4:30 pm. He goes like crazy once on his play table.

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Maverick holds his business as well. I use a sleep cage in the spare bedroom.. he gets put up for sleepy time around 9pm at night (right after a generous formula feeding) and is in there until 7 or 730am the next morning. Rarely do I find any poop in there. As soon as I put him on his basket, though, he lets loose. He is in his large cage until about 430pm and I sometimes find a pile or two, but am always greeted with a large present when I let him out for the evening (again, on his basket..though today it was on the carpet).

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I can't imagine any of my birds holding it. That is a serious concern! My problem is my birds will poop anywhere, anytime. Even in their water dishes, so I have several amoungst the cages. We need to help Jake and others that " hold it". Lets brainstorm.I would recommend providing a diet high in roughage, so baby can't hold it.What do you all think? Nancy

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I actually asked the vet about it and he said it is totally normal. Many birds don't go to the bathroom throughout the night which is why I get the morning surprise and as long as you are finding at least a couple droppings in the cage, it means they will go if they really need to. He said this is a common thing people ask him about and its nothing to worry about.

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