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So I spoke with Tina (Xandir's breeder and my friend) and she is willing to give me another Grey. She has one pair of CAG's and one pair of TAG's. Both are somewhat new to her and I don't know anything about their past. Obviously the CAG's have given her babies already but the TAG's have not. I think they went to nest twice but all were infertile(?).


I'm really leaning towards a TAG this time but I don't think I've ever even seen one. Mostly thinking TAG because it would be different enough from Xandir. But I've been reading about them and some people believe they are calmer, more accepting of change, less likely to pluck...


But CAG's are awesome! :o) Can you tell me more about both?



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Hi Kimijean

CAGs have been kept as pets for a long time and TAGs are like the new kid on the block.

Yes, its said that TAGs are more laid back than CAGs, but they can have the same problems. They are now just starting to have a history that we can look back on and compair.

As far as talking TAGs and CAGs are equal both male and female and both make great companions.

The only difference is size, tail color and the CAG has an all black beak.

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I have both a TAG and a CAG. Both are wonderful greys. My TAG, Ana Grey is my first parrot. She is very calm, not a biter, and fearless. She only weighs in at 304g now that she is 4 years old. My TAG doesn't really play with toys she would rather interact with me or just watch the action. She is the boss and although she is the smallest she is the disciplinarian. Ana Grey believes she is really part of my life and an equal to me. Ana Grey loves scratches and tickles and gives kisses and shakes foot/hand. Anyone in the house is fair game to have Ana Grey on a shoulder; grown up or kid.


My CAG is a big guy, he weighs in at 505 g and is 17 months old. Sterling Gris is a big fraidy cat and screams when he sees anyone new and very leery of them until he gets to know them. He does not go to anyone but me. But he is only a baby still at 1 1/2 years old. Sterling loves to beat up his toys and is a sound man. He loves to whistle and say "Hello Gorgeous". He carries a great tune and loves to eat.


TAGs and CAGs have different personalities. Both are great flyers and talkers. My TAG has a beautiful maroon tail and a bone/black colored beak and a small body. My CAG has a bright red tail and a black beak and is a big guy. They are both beautiful greys.


Either TAG or CAG would be a great choice.

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I don't think you can go wrong with either a tag or a cag. I've heard tags are calmer, but shyer. A Tag is smaller, but so what? Let the bird pick you. Nancy


I have heard TAGS are shyer as well but Jake certainly is not so that must be another thing that is specific to each bird. Nancy, you saw Jake in the baby tank. His personality hasn't changed much other than going from baby cries to a more grown up chattering. He still gets very excited and will go up, over or through if he sees something he wants and caution be darned.

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Wingy... yes, I know Jake. Personally! I hope you have been listening to me, how rare his personality and trusting ability is. I have NOT been saying this, to make you feel good. It is a fact!Jake is a gem, and his personality is unusual for a Tag. How do I know? I just do! I don'[t expect anyone to take my word... BUT... I ask NOTHING of this site. I have birds that don't chew, get along with each other, get along with the entire family.I'm no expert.... but I really do know birds! Nancy

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I have a tag and a cag. My tag is sweet, calm, loving, friendly and very much a joker. Many friends and members that have tags have said, they are much sweeter, much more easy going and adjust well. I find that my cag is much more nervous and doesn't like new things, my tag is the opposite, and I know you will read this in any research you find.

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Thank you everyone! I'm thinking I want a female TAG. That way the bird would be as different from Xandir as possible. :) But I'm really liking what I've heard/read about TAG's so "different from Xandir" is not the only reason. :) Her TAG pair has not given her any babies yet and I don't know if they have ever had any, so it might not even work. But I'm not in a hurry so we'll just see what next yr brings.



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I don't have any experience with Tags as I have a Cag but I just wanted to comment on your decision to get another grey, I think it is the best way to honor Xandir is to give that love to another grey whether it be a Tag or Cag, I look forward to hearing more about which one you end up with.

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