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Talking question


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hello all. I've had my TAG for about 10 weeks. When I'm in the room (most of the time), her talking is limited to "want a cracker" "meow" and barking like a dog. However, when I'm in the kitchen doing the dishes, she's talking up a storm. I can't make much of it out as I'm in the other room, but she's probably said 10 more words/phrases.


What's up? How can I get her to use her full vocabulary when I'm actually close enough to hear her?

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This is very common. Most all parrots, not just greys will chatter away with all their words, phrases, sound effects and whistles while humans are not present. They are calibrating, remebering and experimenting with how these all work together. You will hear them mix and match various words, phrases, sound effects and whistles. They will come out with combinations that will leave you rolling on the floor as they learn the mechanics of the human language. Most only use a few words or sounds when in the actual presence of us humans unless they have been worked with for years to carry on an actual conversation. They will of course ask for things they want like an apple or nut and also comment on some real-time event like hi when you walk in the room etc. You cannot not force them, you can only work with them over time to teach them that we do respond to there wants, needs and questions. Once they understand that, they will converse more openly with you and even guest when they come over at times.

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It's actually good to hear that this type of behavior is normal! My TAG will wait until I go around the corner into the bathroom then start talking up a storm. Of course, I can't make out what he is saying. When I come back around the corner, he'll say "Timber" his name and just look at me. Guess he isn't just tormenting me after all! ;)

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Dan has described exactly how Misty has progressed with talking with me. It is important to tell your parrot what you are doing in simple terms. Greys in particular will soon be able to associate words with names, labels, actions and events. Remember that although parrots are very intelligent they need opportunities to learn from observation and conversation. Just like human children.


Steve n Misty

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kallie uses very few words. she does lots of sounds and prefers when she does "speak" to only do athena-only what athena says in athena's "voice". of course we respond to kallie when she's "doing athena" like we do with athena. we talk to both girls (i'm unemployed so i'm home) all the time. i don't know if we're discouraging kallie to use "her" voice and any words she knows by responding to her when she's doing athena or not. should we be "ignoring" kallie when she does athena? would it be fair to kallie if we didn't respond to her version of athena, but respond to athena saying to same things? sorry, its so confusing. we'll ask kallie if she can say it in "her" voice and sometimes she'll then say what few words she has in "her" voice and we praise her like crazy when she does, trying to encourage more. but i'm stumped. i know not all greys have huge vocabularies and frankly that's not why we got her. i'd just like a little less athena from kallie and more kallie, if that makes sense. we really have no idea what kallie can say since at least 95% of the time she's doing "athena", even when we're out of the room.

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Greys imitate. They DO learn language and what words mean, but they ultimately love to imitate. When Sophie initates Kiki, it makes Kiki mad! They work it out, and I don't interfere.When Kiki is molting, Sophie wouldn't dare to imitate her. Kiki respects Sophie, but she is quite bigger than Sophie. Sophie is not stupid! Never mess with a hormonal woman! I'm not sure why Sophie has never molted. She is DNA sexed and is a girl. No molting. Strange! Nancy

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Marcos is just starting to get her words going, she does ALOT of what I call "mumbling" right now which is cute as can be and then every now and again you just hear something clear as a bell ... like the other night I LOVE YOU came out and just melted my heart, but could she do it again? .... no :( not yet. Some days are way more vocal then others, most days is just the whistles and sounds still and god help me she barks like my 1.8pound minpin :rolleyes: so she'll learn "no bark" cuz I just hate that lol. I havent noticed her talking more or less when Im in or out of the room I know she does ALOT more calling sounds when Im out of the room. Im sure shes tryin to make sure Im still round once she cant see me (if i dont bring her in the room with me) Its really exciting to watch all this slowly changing each day! shes even getting more strong and couragious with hanging upside down and she LOVES to make her swing rock back n forth in the cage! :D

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Six years old is very young.Many don't agree with me, and that is okay. I believe greys follow the same development from the age of 1-5, as a human child. You are close. Encourage your bird to talk to you, whether it be whistling or babbling, even if there is a room that separates you!

Sophie and I have always enjoyed a game of whistling back and forth, being in different rooms. I change the whistle, she changes the whistle. We have fun! Nancy

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Greys imitate. They DO learn language and what words mean, but they ultimately love to imitate. When Sophie initates Kiki, it makes Kiki mad! They work it out, and I don't interfere.When Kiki is molting, Sophie wouldn't dare to imitate her. Kiki respects Sophie, but she is quite bigger than Sophie. Sophie is not stupid! Never mess with a hormonal woman! I'm not sure why Sophie has never molted. She is DNA sexed and is a girl. No molting. Strange! Nancy

Maggie and Jay here. Grey's are one of the few parrot that rely on Thought out speech opposed to copy speech. Your Zons are more into copy cat speech...Thanks Maggie and Jayd

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Maggie, and Jayd. Yes my friend, six is a mature and older Grey, but as Dan description is accurate. Some Grey's are thinkers not talkers so sit back and talk to them as you would another person in your home.

As far as a Grey [NANCY] greys follow the same development from the age of 1-5, as a human child, this isn't possible, it's a scientific fact that the accelerated level in a Grey and other animals of rapid development in the early years is at a different rate than a human child. As a Grey ages, it's ageing process slows, where a humans excel rates. Thanks ...Jayd

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Sorry! The age of six, is really six.. I believe 100% we can argue about the age development.I'll never agree to anything different. Nancy


Let's see, if you wish to argue, please go to another site.


A 6yr old cannot raise a family. A 6yr old can not fend for themselves, A 6yr old can not forage and survive on its own. Besides, a 6yr old can not fly.LOL....I won't go into the mental and advanced intellectual differences at 6yr old...Thank you Jayd

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Maybe I should make it clear that she is about 6 years old.


Thanks for pointing this out. Your new grey is going to be listening and learning new sounds and words in your home. She will of course use the voice learned in her previous home, but will also learn your or anothers in your home as time goes by. I hope you will share her vocabulary and how she interacts with you as time goes by. We love hearing about about greys antics! :)

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My greys do way more than mimic and imitate. They have a thought process that they use before they speak. An amazon DOEs mimic, they do with out thinking first, a grey thinks long and hard about things before they do it. One of my greys plays jokes on us, that require some planning in advance, she then laughs at the consequences. Imitate, no way in a grey.

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Sophie LOVES to imitate and repeat, but she ALSO thinks, about her responses.When I am running around, trying to get dinner ready, get kids off to where they need to be, she will give a certain " cluck". She doesn't agree with my choices what events are more important.I will stop and listen.I will put her on my shoulder, and off we go with the rat race.She just wants to be involved, and yes, she is. Ryan off to college yesterday. Sophie was ready and involved getting him off. Nancy

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