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really rough day


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It's so hard when they fight being medicated. When Kura was sick, my sweetest girl turned into a completely uncontrollable raptor. It took so much out of her, when she needed it the least, that I had to put her meds in food. Even as sick as she was, she'd always eat a little clob of warm oatmeal off a spoon. So I could mix her meds in & be sure she was getting a full dose. I did have to mix it w/cinnamon to counter my unfortunate choice of banana flavored antibiotics, thought. :P


Is there any food Java loves enough to use to deliver the meds the easy way?

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Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement. Things are looking up. Java eats such a small amount of anything and her appetite is still not back. Also, her dose is so tiny that her entire ten day supply is in a tiny vial about the size you might get for a sample of perfume. I am a little afraid to waste a drop. Her dose is only one tenth of one third milliliter. My technique and her cooperation is getting better. Today I was able to reach right in and scoop her up in a fleece square and had that syringe ready, gave it a squirt and had her free again in about thirty seconds. My new syringe was intact! Phew. I think she is also feeling so much better that she is more agreeable. She is definitely improving. The vet told me today her white blood count is up, we will continue the course of antibiotics. She has a couple more tests that haven't come through yet and he will call me about those. The fact that she is getting better leads him to believe it was some kind of infection and I am not going to worry excessively. It is so good to see her gaining strength and eating a little today.

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That's great! What a relief that Java is normalizing. I was thinking when I read your posts about how I would deal with giving Timber medication. I've been that route with my cats (no picnic) but I can't imagine getting anything down Timber's throat that he didn't want! Kudos to you for your success.

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Late to the post but no less worried with you, thank heavens you didn't panic but knew to keep her warm and made it through those first bad hours. Glad to hear the antibiotics are making a difference. Keep up the excellent attitude and what ever it takes to keep you calm it is helping Java pull through.

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:)For those of you who don't know this wonderful person, take time and read her post's from a long time ago on Juno and Kopi. All that comes first to her is those in her care, she researches and researches again while at the same time takes on a full load doing all the other things just to live, love and family time. I don't know how many hours of lost sleep this lady has endured, I know both Maggie and I love her. It's so hard for me to read her post's she knows why, but if you notice she never say's this is what you have to do or it worked for me...Thank you my Friend....:)

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I came in to give everyone some reassurance that Java is improving and even came out for snuggles and bed time routine we have grown to love. My heart was sick at the thought of the chance of losing this little one. She is doing so much better. She is talking, getting a little sassy and just looking good. She was very suspicious of me and has been refusing to step up or come out of her cage and I gave her the room to just relax and heal. Then, I read the posts from all of you who have grown to be so important to me and I am just humbled at your thoughts and kind gestures. Jay and Maggie have been my guiding light and I know that I have learned much from you. Every single person on this forum means the world to me, through good times and bad times. I sometimes don't get to read every post like I did for the first couple of years and sometimes I miss a few posts now. What I see when I sign in is the prayers and vigil that I know has helped Java just as much as it has lifted me to where I know we can handle everything that comes our way together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Dee, i have just read about your ordeal. Your kind and calming words helped me through our hard times with Oliver and i can only hope to help you as you helped me. Although my experience is limited, my prayers are not and they are for you both! I am glad to hear of the improvement.

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Java is improving and acting like her old self again. I know that the excruciating hours between noticing a symptom and getting into the vet's office are the worst. I swear there were no symptoms with Java just a drop right to the floor midflight. All of your prayers, all of your kind words and all the hours of reading posts from everyone and thinking "what would you do", just kept me calm and sane and doing all the things I could do until we had help. I also know that sometimes in our lives we have events that leave us just a little more fragile and during those times, it is hard to read posts that have a scary subject line. We have had a wonderful happy ending to this rough day and even got some unexpected benefits from watching Gilbert open up at his vet visit. I am ever so grateful for all of you holding my hand so I could weather this storm. I will let you know if we get any answers from the vet.

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Dee this has made my day, to come on and find out that Java is more like her old self again makes me very happy as I am sure it is giving you a big sigh of relief that she is going to be around for a long time to keep you on your toes and delight you with her very presence, my how they steal your heart so quickly but completely. Even Gilbert understands the importance of your concern with Java, they are so intune with our emotions, you have something special there Dee and we all know it, you have a strength you never knew you had and Gilbert and Java are both benefiting from that, what an inspiration you are to all of us. I hope the news from the vet is good news.

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You are so right about them stealing our hearts. To think I was sitting in my car on a cold day with my arms crossed telling my husband and kids over and over "I am NOT coming into that pet store, I can NOT deal with another animal in our house." Now I look back and thank my lucky stars that I did go in and I did see her and she won my heart in a second. It all started with this one plain little grey and green parrot and I have never been so thrilled with the journey that led to all of you on this forum. The hard stuff makes us stronger, but I could use this break and get all good news from the vet for our little set back.

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In one of your early post you said that you felt bad because you posted so much about Gilbert and not much about Java and that is what gave me the idea for the other birds honored list to follow the amazon honored list.

When you look at the other birds honor list and see how it has grown you can thank Java for that.

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Aww, Ray, you are going to make a crusty ole curmudgeon get sentimental. Java had to be quarantined a couple of times and I have felt like it was a little unfair to bring new birds in when she was such a joy all on her own. I make a special effort but she is so good and goes to anyone and Gilbert has needed a LOT of one on one and careful trust building. That makes me wonder sometimes if I gave her the short shrift but she gets to come down to help me sew and has one on one time every day. It just isn't unfettered and all day the way we used to be. All is coming to a good balance but it makes me beam to know that our new bird room had a kernel of inspiration to you and our admin. This forum is just the one stop site for everything. It is the only place online that I go for my daily "fix". I read here more often than I check my own email. Thanks so much for all you do for us.

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Java is definitely on the mend and back to her fiesty little ole self. When I approached to give her meds this morning I asked her if she would please just take her meds. She didn't even try to escape although she did back up as far as her perch would reach and when she tried to bite the syringe tip... voilla she had her meds so quick I couldn't do anything but cheer. She laughed at me after she shook off the approach. She is still in there telling me whoo hoo hoo. If only it were always that simple. I will take every bit of cooperation she is willing to hand out. I love that kind of surprise.

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Yay Java!!! May any news from the vet be as positive. Your last description of Java 'taking' her meds just gave me an idea, and I don't know why I hadn't though of it through my whole ordeal with Anya. Once every couple days, it might be a good idea to give our healthy birds a 'treat' via syringe just to desensitize them to the process a bit. Just a drop or two of juice or the like. Sure, it would only fool them the first time they got meds, but at least they wouldn't be fearful of the syringe, etc. Does anybody do that already?

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I still give Egan a feeding of "baby" food with a syringe from time to time. He still chirps like a baby when I do that. I figure it's good to keep him taking things from a syringe plus it's a nice little bonding experience for us.

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Yay Java!!! May any news from the vet be as positive. Your last description of Java 'taking' her meds just gave me an idea, and I don't know why I hadn't though of it through my whole ordeal with Anya. Once every couple days, it might be a good idea to give our healthy birds a 'treat' via syringe just to desensitize them to the process a bit. Just a drop or two of juice or the like. Sure, it would only fool them the first time they got meds, but at least they wouldn't be fearful of the syringe, etc. Does anybody do that already?


I would be afraid I would do something wrong and cause more harm than help.

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