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Xandir ~ hard decision made


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The blood test results were not good. Uric acid level at 35, 10 is normal. Sodium is low and potassium is high. He’s also dehydrated and needs fluid therapy (hand fed fluid throughout the day). He also needs to be on a very special diet to help prevent this happening again.


So I’ve given him back to my friend/his breeder. She does not work outside of the home. For that reason, and for other reasons as well, she can take much better care of him than I can. But she is a friend so I will hear all about him all the time and will even get to see him once in a while. (We live a couple of hr’s away from each other)



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I'm so sorry about the decision you had to make. But it sounds like you really have the bird's best interest in mind and he will be well taken care of. I'm so glad that you will be able to visit as you are probably both bonded to each other.


So very sorry. I can't imagine having to make that decision. Big hugs.

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To know you are willing to give up your time with Xandir to give him the best possible chance of long term specialized care is commendable and shows you have compassion and insight. It has to be an agonizing choice. I am so sorry you are enduring this loss.

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I made the three hour round trip last night to take the meds up to Tina and Xandir. She said that after I dropped him off on Thursday night he took a turn for the worse. She was very afraid he would not survive the night. Bit last night when I got there he was SO much better. He was alert and active, climbing all over the cage, even hanging from the ceiling, wanting out. She said that he is eating and drinking some on his own as well. I really believe that he’s past the worst and is well on his way to being as healthy as he can be.



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