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I started a thread yesterday about a topic that I care about & thought many members would endorse. But I'm surprised to see the thread's gotten no love & very few hits.


I thought maybe I put it in the wrong place. So I thought I'd try again because the CITES Standing Committee will meet in 2 days. And the more public pressure these types of organizations feel, the more attention they are apt to pay to any particular issue.


Could members please take ten minutes to endorse this petition which could potentially help save tens of thousands of fids from a needlessly cruel end?


Thank you. Valore


"Next week ...(the CITES Standing Committee) will decide on the fate of thousands of wild African Grey Parrots.


Specifically, Congo - one of the largest exporters of these birds - is hoping to continue the practice of legally capturing these birds to sell to Asia and the Middle East. Their quota of 5,000 birds is regularly exceeded. And in Cameroon, despite a zero export quota for this species, a total of over 5,000 birds were exported in the last four years for which data is available. So, this decision next week will decide the fate of thousands of African Grey Parrots traded … every year."





"CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention) is a multilateral treaty, drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). ...Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species in the wild, and it accords varying degrees of protection to more than 33,000 species of animals and plants. In order to ensure that the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was not violated, the Secretariat of GATT was consulted during the drafting process.[2]


Only one species protected by CITES, the Spix's Macaw, has become extinct in the wild[3] as a result of trade since the Convention entered into force..."



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The CITE Standing Committe meeting is 23-27 July 2012. WORLD PARROT TRUST USA has apparently set a goal of 10,000 signatures. Their counter is currently closing in on 5,100.


So, by all means, open the social media flood gates. Social awareness can not only help the cause now but in the future as well.

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I hope everyone on this site, can respond, and encourage their friends. Misstyparrot... lets get to it! We need to get 5000 responses.Birdhouse...can you send me an exact link? First one didn't work for me. Second one did, but it would be easier to get responses, for a link that worked right away. Steve and I are more than happy to help you. I'm sure, others here, will help as well. Who... is willing to commit? Nancy

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...hhmm, nope, that was me, somehow. I just went back to check because I was thinking how the top edit "turned itself" blue when I inserted it. I didn't know why & still don't. But I liked it, so I left it that way.


I think whatever happened, I may have messed w/the hyperlink location. SORRY! MY BAD.

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Hi, this was posted on the 17th in the "Off topic" room back on the 17th, that's where we signed...Maggie Thanks


URGENT PETITION: Tell CITES to suspend trade in African Grey Parrots!


Friends, we need your help!



Tell CITES to suspend trade in African Grey Parrots!


Next week in Switzerland (July 23, 2012), a small gathering of people who decide how wildlife can and can't be traded around the world (the CITES Standing Committee) will decide on the fate of thousands of wild African Grey Parrots.


Please take a moment to sign the petition and let them know you are against such an action!


Sign the petition:


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I don't how long the petition will be open for signatures. Strictly speaking, the committee meets today, Switzerland time. I have no idea where on the docket this issue is or when the petition needs to be submitted. :P But it's still thousands shy of the 10,000 mark. :P


It gives me the warm fuzzies to see our members contributing, though! Hope we keep helping that number improve. :)


Maggie & Jay - I didn't see that thread before I posted mine. I wouldn't have started a new one if I had. Sorry! But maybe it's just as well that it ended up in more places where people might see it.

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The petition still seems available for signatures even though it's the 23rd, everywhere. Not as many signatures as I would have hoped to have seen from the whole wide world, maybe. But all in all, 9,329 is nothing to sneeze at. Still hopeful that's enough for CITES to take it seriously.

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I was stopped dead when I checked the petition site today.Yesterday at this time, 9,329 people had signed it. 24 hrs later 18,417!!! So many people. So little effort. Such an incredible statement.


"EDITOR'S NOTE: We have extended the petition deadline to collect as many signatures as possible, and continue sending CITES a strong message."



WORLD PARROT TRUST USA is continuing to take full advantage of this stunning momentum. Their latest goal is 25,000 signatures. So let's help keep this campaign going because it's definitely on a roll! :D

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The combination of both petitions against wild Grey exports generated over 41,000 signatures in a matter of days. I truly believe this single effort made many hundreds of people aware of the realities of this horrific trade. I can only hope that some of them will go on to help bring it to an end some time in the foreseeable future.


But not this time. Instead of stopping the export of wild Greys from the Congo, the CITES Standing Committee actually ruled to establish an export quota for Cameroon once again. How sad is it that the governing bodies on this planet will not see the harm being done before "the last of its kind" is being worshiped in its last possible refuge on the face of the earth?


"Standing Committee approves annual export of 3,000 Greys from Cameroon


Despite the best efforts of the World Parrot Trust and the over 41,000 signatories who supported the petition against the trade in Grey parrots in Cameroon and Congo, CITES' ruling yesterday ultimately failed to protect the birds from unsustainable trade, ignoring sound science, global public opinion, and the terms of their own Convention.


Rather than ruling to protect protect these Globally Threatened Species, they instead chose to reopen trade from Cameroon, allowing 3,000 birds a year to now be legally exported from that country. As a result 6,000 birds will be taken from the wild as roughly 50% of these birds die between trapping and export. CITES also failed to suspend trade from the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is despite Congo's repeatedly exceeding their annual quota of 5,000 bird."



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