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New Member from Los Angeles, CA

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Greetings everyone!


I've always been pretty anonymous on Bird Forums, but I thought it might be fun to join this one. :)


I have two African Greys: A 2+ year old male CAG - Sondheim, and a 30 year old (est) wild caught male TAG - Burt. I also have two male rescue mutts Howard (about 4) and Richard (about a year), two Green Aracaris Mollie (3) and Victor (4) and a loft full of homing pigeons (too many to name).


It's quite the handful, but I used to be an animal keeper in my early days - so this fulfills that part of me. I'm looking forward to learning how others interact with their flocks, build perches and toys, etc.

Burt Veggies - Copy.JPG


Victor Scream.jpg

Sondheim Basket.jpg

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Hi Sarasota, I had to look up Green Aracaris to find out about them. Learned they are Toucans and I bet they are great to watch and interact with. Also, I'm looking forward to learning more about Burt your 30+ year old TAG. I too have an almost 2 year old CAG. Cags and Tags are so different. Looking forward to hearing more about your flock. Welcome to the Grey family!

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What a nice intro, thanks for joining us Sarasota. I think we will learn as much from you as you will from the variety of people and topics on our forum. You have nice pics to share with us, great photography and creativity. I could feel the tentacles of MBS wrapping around my heart as I looked at your photos. I have been holding firm at two birds for a long long time, but it keeps getting harder to resist.

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Hello Sarasota and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

You have some great looking birds there from the pics you so kindly shared in your intro post, those two Aracaris parrots are very unusual looking and they must keep you busy.

Be sure to check out the various rooms here and read thru the many posts, you will learn a lot and enjoy some interesting stories and pictures of our fids we share our life with.

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Sarsota..I am intrigued by the picture of Sondheim in the planter. Have you simply added toys to an unplanted basket? Such a great picture.
It used to be an outdoor plant...and he pretty much took it over. I added a layer of sand to the top so he can dig around. They also enjoy tearing at the sissal/twine sides (this is actually my second planter). He enjoys it so much, I'm constantly adding toys, he brings a few of his own to the basket, etc. It's in my aviary, right next to a boing, so he can plenty of room to romp and play.


It's kind of a lame video (it had sound, but I took it out because of copyright), but you can get a sense of the aviary from the video:

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Loved your videos! How did Sondhi learn to sing opera?


That reminds me...I need a new video! He's got "Queen of the Night" down now.


I saw a Amazon on YouTube whistling the song. I thought I'd try playing it for Sondhi and see what happened. Well, he LOVES it. He actually rehearsed it over and over (and over, and over...:)) until it's practically perfect. I kept praising him and giving him treats when he hit the correct notes..and saying nothing when he got it wrong.


The weekend is here....time for more videos!

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