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Sitting on my back deck having a beer

Ray P

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As the day was comming to an end I was sitting on my back deck having a beer and enjoying the sounds of nature

All the birds were flying around and singing, My chickens were clucking, the roosters were crowing and my peacocks were honking. The ducks were quacking and splashing around in the pond and Corky and Cricket were singing along with Willie and Little One my cockatiels. My two dachshounds were playing in the yard.

My neighbors donkeys were hee-hawing and their horse was in on it to.

It was then I realized they werw celebrating the end of a beautifil day each with their own song.

As I listen to their songs of celebration I dozed off and when I woken it was dark.

The chickens were in their coup, My peacocks were on their roost and the birds flew back to their nest.

Corky, Cricket, Willie and Little One had been covered by my son.

My neighbors donkeys and horse went back to their barn.

there was a cool night breeze after the sun went down. It was bliss.

Than I had a thought. I better get inside before the mosquitoes eat me alive.

I hope you had as good a day as I had


Edited by Ray P
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