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Unexpected deathe of a grey.


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{Feel-bad-0002006A} I recently lost my 4 year old grey to a very unusual internal blood clot. Nothing could have changed the outcome even though he was rushed to our avian vet. The grief is overwhelming. I didn't think he would die before me. I was always very careful with his health. No chemical sprays, no teflon, no plants or new birds. I have received many calls from people who know of someone wanting to give their grey away. I can't imagine giveing up my grey. It doesn't seem fair. I loved so much and I lost him. Other people consider theirs as a burden. The grief is overwhelmine.

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Butzi1, please accept my condolenses and my heart breaks for you right now. You did all you could for him and there was no way you could have prevented this so don't blame yourself. I'm sure he left this world knowing you loved him with all your heart.


I don't know anything about you except what you have told us here but if you have offers of another grey I would consider getting one of them. Obviously these other owners don't love their greys like us or they would never consider giving them up, but if you can find it in your heart to give another one a try, it will go a long way to heal the pain you feel at this moment. Sometimes that is the best way to get over the loss of a beloved pet and if you have so much love in your heart then why not share it with another. Think of it this way, if these others are willing to give theirs up, then they must not love them like you do, you would be doing one of them a favor by giving it a loving home.

The grief is overwhelming right now but I promise it will get easier in time and we are here for help and support any time, all you need to do is ask. I pray that this heavy burden of your loss will be lightened soon and that you will find it in your heart to give another grey a chance to know your love. Take care.:(

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I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of your Grey. I can not imagine the grief, sorrow and deep overwhelming hurt you must feel right now.


How long did you have with him after the diagnosis? Hopefully it was enough time to cuddle and love him, so he could leave in your loving arms in the warmth and comfort of your love and presence.


Please keep in touch with us and perhaps let him live on through you by telling of his greatness, love and compassion.


We would love to hear of him and the joy he brought into this world by touching you and others.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/02 13:24

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I am so sad to hear of your loss. I have lost my ringneck too four years ago and there is nothing that can make me forget it. I can totally imagine what you feel.


Life and death are not in our hands. Atleast our birds died knowing that they were loved and will always be in our hearts.



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My condolences to you for your loss. This is unexpected, but we know that many things happen in life are beyond our control and exceptions to what is considered "normal".


As others have said, we are here for you and understand the love you had for your grey. This is like losing a family member and a friend. I hope that with some time you will be at peace with this. It sounds like there was nothing you could have done. Hopefully in the future you will find the drive to bring another one of these amazing animals into your life. There are many out there that need loving/caring homes.


All the best to you.

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Loosing a pet is just like loosing family…and sometimes even harder. I have lost a couple of dogs in my family. The first was a Golden Retriever named Sunny, he was an old dog and we had to have him put down because his spine had fused to the spinal cord so he could no longer walk and was in a lot of pain. I was 5 at the time but I still remember my dad getting him into the truck for one last ride before going to the vet and I saw him cry. The only other time I saw my dad cry was after we lost the Collie and Golden retriever mix named Buddy that we got shortly after Sunny past. He too had to be put down about 4 years ago, he had cancer in every organ and almost every bone because the vet misdiagnosed the lumps that kept popping up as just “fatty” deposits…he never screened them for cancer. He had gone into total system shut down and would have died within hours if we didn't put him to sleep. Anyways, I did a painting for my dad that Christmas of Buddy and when he saw it he had a few tears roll down his face. I witnessed the loss of both his parents through the years and he never got emotional about them passing, but loosing his dogs was just too much for him to hold in.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/03 20:45

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Thank you for all the support. I will always hold Butzi in my heart. I did get to hold him at the end. I sang his favorite song to him. A soft quiet version of "old McButzi had a farm". His version wasn't so quiet and included many animal sounds. I will miss him forever. One final note on Butzi, my husband came home with a new baby grey named Milo. Do you think I will learn to love him just as much as Butzi? He has a complete different personality. Buzti was happy, loud, and very independent. Milo is quiet and huggy. Butzi was my first grey.

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I'm sure you will. And the different personality could actually help. If Milo was to act too much like Buzti you would more than likely always be thinking about him when you were with Milo, but with him being so different then you won't associate them as much.

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