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Hello from South Florida :)

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Hello Janee and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

Congrats on soon to be bringing home your baby grey, is this your first grey, first bird? You are doing the right thing to learn all you can before that big day comes so you will be prepared and do read thru as many of the threads here for you will find lots of useful information from our many members, firsthand knowledge as many have been thru some of the same things you will be facing when you get your baby home.

We love pictures here so if you have some of your baby you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome :)

This is not my first bird, I've had Parakeets, Love Birds and Sun Conures...but this is my first Grey! :) We are so excited and can not wait until He/She comes home....Today we made a lot of progress...He was learning to step up on our finger then getting a treat afterwards. o we're just patiently waiting until they tell us exactly when we can take him home....Pics are attached :)




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