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hello from southern california! =)

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Hello everyone! I've been lingering around the forums reading as much as possible.

My name is Sarah.

I have a sun conure named FlapJack, he's such a CLOWN =) I love watching his silly antics!

I have been researching parrot care for what seems like forever now and will finally be bringing my little congo african grey home in a few weeks.

flapjack came to me clipped but it isn't a severe clip. He doesn't fall to the floor like a rock at least.

I requested the african grey remain Unclipped, so a flighted parrot is something new to me.

I read all about the hazards: ceiling fans, windows, doors, etc.

His cage is placed in our small living room so i worry about him flying out the door as someone walks in or out of it. I don't have the option to place him in a different room. (just bedrooms and a bathroom, kitchen is out of the question).

what are your experiences with this?

thanks in advance! =)

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Hello Sarah and welcome to our family, congrats on your new addition to the flock.

I have a sun conure also so I can relate to his being a clown as mine is about the same, funny little birds and a delight to have around.

The cage for your new grey should be in the living room if it is where the family spends the most time as greys love to be around their family and where the action is going on, you never want to put it in a room where no one would be spending any time with him.

I like that you want his wings to grow out so he is capable of flight and yes you will have to be more diligent about open doors and windows when he is out and that will take cooperation from the whole family so no accidents occur.

We love pictures here so if you have some of him and FlapJack you would share with us we would love to see them.

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