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Buddy is MAD!


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My poor Buddy. Ever since we brought home Kyra he's not been happy at all. I am now officially a member of the Bite Me club, he got me a good one yesterday. He clamped down, grinded and grabbed my finger with his foot so I couldn't get away. I have no idea how ya'll cannot make a big deal. I tried...I'm pretty sure I failed. And he showed no signs at all that I noticed. No fluffs, no pinning that I could see.


I have Kyra in my office and Buddy is still in the dining room. I have a screen between the two rooms right now.


Should I put their cages in the same room? Buddy doesn't like the cage that Kyra is in. (it used to be his when he had to go away at his old home) I don't want that to transfer top Kyra being in the cage. I am buying a new cage the first of the month.


Do I need to start over with Buddy on trust? Spend more time with him? When we first brought him home my hubby was his favorite, he changed it to me eventually, and now he's mad at us both! I just don't know what to do and I feel terrible. The kids cannot handle him, nor does he want them to. Although he chases my oldest son whenever he's out of the cage. It's pretty funny.

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