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Question about treats


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Hello everyone.


Question. When you are training your bird, say, so say a certain thing that you like, what do you use to reward them for their effort? I see alot of people use sunflower seeds. But are they really ideal when you have a ten minute session and go through 15-20 seeds?


Also, do you prefer frozen over canned veggies for during winter times?


Thank you!!:D

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Read those labels, some frozen as well as some canned are with out added sodium but many of both do contain added sodium and sugars. Either food will work but fresh is always best if you have a choice, you can buy when plentiful and freeze or dehydrate as you need.

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Just get a variety of nuts--almonds--walnuts--hazel nuts. Break them up in small pieces and whenever your bird does what you want him to do, give a small piece. Nuts are much better that all the junk treats on the market. Nuts are natural and parrots like them. You can give as many as you want.

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Oh no Greywings, we must not ever do such a thing!:P


I found on a website(not sure I could post it) a bird mix with a ton of organic veggies with rice, couscous, wheat and barley. It's the kind that's dry and you fix it for them by boiling it. I can get it for a steal, but I want to make sure it'd be first off good for my bird and second worth it lol.


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