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Carriers for Greys: What's everyone using?


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So I'm finally going for it and getting a grey. This is all being well documented in other posts. I'm enterting the prep and supply (and wait) phase. What's everyone using for carriers. I live in a major city and take commuter trains with our current bird so I have to have a hard sided carrier. We'll also have the family quilter create an insulated cover around it. I have a pak o bird but it's secondary to the hard shell one since we're afraid of getting shoved in a crowd, by the oh so polite residents of NYC. I wonder why I live here some days... So what's everyone accesorizing with?

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I have a canvas carrier most bird stores sell them and Mysafebirdstore.com sells them , I have a small one for my quaker and 2 large ones for my amazon and Brandi our grey


Thanks, Is this the one you're talking about?




That looks nice and quite reasonably priced, but as I said I need something hard sided for when I'm traveling through crowded areas.


On another note, we love My Safe Bird Store. It's our main place to order from.

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I bought the Pack-O-Bird for Jake so we can enjoy outings, going for walks and outdoor concerts but I do want to pick up one of the collapsible cages for weekend travel, extended trips or when my grandbirdie Isabelle comes for extended visits.

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I have a collapsible carrier for each of my parrots for visiting and a hard side traveler for going to the vet in:





Edited by luvparrots
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Honestly I entertained the idea of a "specialized" bird carrier for awhile but they can be pricey and my grey was uncomfortable in most of them. At the end of the day I went with a simple dog crate like this one:




It doesn't come with a perch, obviously, but it's definitely easy to set up and clean. I just have an extra rope perch or two that I put in there with toys. The bottom tray slides out really easily so I can line it with paper towel. The whole thing collapses down to become very small if need be. It also doubles as a sleep cage if I ever go up to my cottage or anything.


If you are worried about drafts or the cold getting in, especially if you are traveling in the winter time, just buy an oversized sweater and pull it over the top. You can fit the handle through the neck hole and it works like a charm.


The only thing to really beware of with one of these is that you need to make sure your bird's head can't fit through the bars on the sides.

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Guest Jocelyn
I bought the Pack-O-Bird for Jake so we can enjoy outings, going for walks and outdoor concerts but I do want to pick up one of the collapsible cages for weekend travel, extended trips or when my grandbirdie Isabelle comes for extended visits.


What is a pack o Bird? I want something for our future Grey so s/he can go on outings with us when its nice out...

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What is a pack o Bird? I want something for our future Grey so s/he can go on outings with us when its nice out...




Here's an image provided by one of the other forum members.




I know from what we use with our Sennie, if you're on the move and want something light it's the way to go. If you get the stainless steel mesh version it's actually made right in brooklyn NY. I had mine embroidered too and got to pick it up right where they make it. Infact it wasn't ready I had to wait and chatted with the lady who runs the company. She told me many interesting things, in particular that she has trouble finding people with the baggage type sowing skills needed. She even invented a pocket on the side and added extra grommets where I asked at special request. If you need something customized. Just email them they're really great, and that really justified the cost for me.


If you're going to a park and going to sit and you're not traveling long distanes on foot. The break down wire cages are the best IMHO. They're affordable and light enough to carry with your bird inside and roomy enough to include toys and treats so that your bird has something to do if you're hanging out for an extended period of time. However I would reinforce the latch since it's a simple slide and keep and eye on the coating since it's thing and cheap and I don't entirely trust whoever is manufacturing them.


Thanks for all the input. I'll most likely go with a quality animal carrier with a small enough grate. Has anyone heard any issues with the metal doors used for the non-bird specific ones?

Edited by FirstPenguin
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This cat carrier from foster and smith actually looks quite interesting. Anyone see any issues with the design?




You may wanna revise the above to a solid bottom and top. A bird can get seriously spooked in the above model when walking around in the city.



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The screening is stainless steel and the material is very thick. This is more chew proof than the plastic pet taxi's but not indestructible. There are places inside for hanging toys and once I can see what Jakes preferred toys are I can hang them or make modified versions of them. I am thinking of also making a "booster seat" for under the pack allowing him to look outside but still be strapped into the seat belt when we are in the car.

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I think it's important to know how you want to use the carrier and make sure to get the right carrier for the job.

This pac-o-play looks amazing for outings and walks, but would it be appropriate for overnight or extended stay?

My tiny dogs have a variety of carriers depending on what we are doing....nice leather carry bag for outings (and pretending I do not have a dog), hard sided crate for sleeping and a softsided foldable crate for overnight travel.

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I built my own carrier. I bought a new cat carrier at a yard sale for $5.00 Drilled a hole on each side and inserted a piece of dowel rod (3.00) It gives my bird a lot of fresh air and allows her to see completely from the front side.

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I use the Avian Hotel. It's pretty awesome, BUT it's very heavy. It's wonderful if you are going from car to vet...but not something to carry for a long time.


Thanks. That's more of a travel cage that you could leave them in than a carrier. I'm focused on finding a good carrier that fits my needs, which does involve walking.

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