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Let Down By Breeder


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Hi guys last post I put on here came back with great replys so hope the same will happen now.

My little Alfie African Grey is 15 weeks old today, I had him from what I really beleaved to be a great breeder, I visited 3 times and all was great, the breeder gave me the chance with his full suport to bring Alfie home aged 10 weeks being my first time owning an african grey I throught this would be great and to be honest it has been breeder was in contact with me at first but now I have heard nothing for two weeks no reply to my emails ect, I know your all going to tell me I should not of brought him home so early but I really throught it would bond us better, Alfie is flying now very well down to one feed at bedtime and is easy to handle now my worrys are how do I know if I am feeding him enough of the good stuff? he has a dish of Cherrios for breakfast, lunch time I try to give him moist pellets and tea time I cook mixed veg, now he eats most of this well out of his cage, on his play stand he has a dish with the mixed seed in it which he munches on a couple of times a day, he has pellets in hs cage all day but as there not moist he tends to break them up but not eat them, I also hang corn on the cob, apple, pear, carrott, green veg leaf such as cabbage in his cage, no all at the same time, he loves corn on the cob and does have ago at alot of the foods, he does not eat much in the way of fruit, he seems happy and confident will fly into kitchen if i go in there and leave him in lounge, climbs and perches well, will step up from cage to me in fact from anywhere, guess Im trying to get a rough idear of the amount of food he would be expected to eat in a day, Iv let him stop his formular feeds himself and seems to love having the night one and lets me know its time for it will continue with this for as long as he wants me to.

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I think you are doing a fine job. My only question is are you in the US or the UK? For some reason Cheerios in the UK have a much higher sugar content than in the US ( according to Wikipedia) so I would be careful if you are in the UK.


Steve n Misty

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You can feed most anything on the list as birds do not know the meaning of breakfast, lunch and dinner, feed him whatever you like, they tend to eat all day and not in meals like we do so make sure he has some food available at all times.

Well you can add this breeder to the list of undesirables so you know not to go back for any more birds and if anyone asks about them tell them the truth for these kind of people is what gives all of them a bad name and there are reputable ones out there. A good breeder would not allow you to take home an unweaned bird as it is dangerous if something should go wrong but it looks like you are handling it just fine.

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Thankyou Judygram I agree with you about breeders sadly after the event I find all this out must be honest excite ment took over and really did beleave he would be with me every step of the way, there is always food in cage dish of greens/fruit, dish of water, dish of pellets with small amount of seed and hang fruit and veg daily in fact he is just having his first go at kiwi fruit, only reason I take him out at said meal times is one for social interaction and two he seems to eat cooked veg better, as he is still young I'm trying to be sure he gets some good food, am I likely to pay the price for this when he gets older will he turn aganist me as I am his only carer and keep reading far too much.

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Thankyou for that steve I'm in the UK I do use the plain cherrios and not the honey ones but I'm Sure you are right have you any advice on a better choice of breakfast.


I give Misty a selection of nuts like wall nuts, cashews, almonds and human grade roasted peanuts in shell. I buy them from Waitrose or Holland and Barret to be sure of quality. Of course it also means I can steal them when he is not looking. :D


Steve n Misty

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Why do you think he may turn against you in the future? You are his caregiver, his companion, the one he spends his time with so if you treat him with respect and answer all his needs he will be your best buddy, once he trusts you completely you will have a faithful companion for the rest of his life. I assume you live alone but if in the future another person joins the flock then the interactions and dynamics may change somewhat but he will still be your companion.

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My birds biggest meal of the day is breakfast, they wake up hungry. I have several older birds that wouldn't eat veggies, rice or other foods so I served them in the morning so were more likely to eat them. I tried other times of the day but mine seem to eat more in the morning.....

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Thankyou for that reply, I'd read that once they reach adult then can turn against main carer in the way they leave their family/nest in the wild, my son who is adult lives with me but his not intrested in alfie and alfie is not to sure about him, most of the time its just me and alfie you have put my mind at rest I beleave we have great bond at the moment I'm sure there will be some changes as he gets more independent but so long as we,re buddies I'm happy

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