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Really struggling with this choice...


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I'm having SUCH a hard time with deciding to clip or not to clip. I understand the importance of learning to fly, balance, self confidence etc.. and I am not concerned about things in the house, all dangers have been removed, we dont/wont operate ceiling fans etc... I even bought an Aviator harness and leash. However, I just got through reading several posts about lost birds like Spock and others who have flown out a door that was only open for a second due to accident, or a Grey who knocked the screen out and got loose and it just turns my stomach.


My exhusband lost my first CAG. He stood on the porch with him (I wasnt home or I'd have never let that happen) and Garth spooked and took off. I spent days searching, contacting every possible group on the planet that could help, and by the grace of dog we got him back but just remembering that feeling makes me want to vomit, it was awful and my heart bleeds for those who have not recovered their birds.


Im so torn. I know I can prevent in house dangers but these stories upset me so. I dont know what to do!! We have dogs going in and out all day, what if the door is open a fraction too long? What if a visitor forgets? I dont plan to cage much, and others may not be as careful as I am.


If we fledge and allow flight for a while and then do a moderate clip, when is the best time to do it? Wont Zulu be upset if he was able to fly and then is limited? I'm so torn. I cant believe how much this choice upsets me. I prefer flighted, just as my cats have all their claws,it is what is natural but that fear of loss or injury is making me crazy.


Any advice would be appreciated.

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You will find many advocates of free flight - which I support and agree with - but you also have to know your bird and your own circumstances and make the best decision based on those factors. Amali is clipped. She was allowed to fledge and then was given a moderate clip. If she loses her balance, she can still glide with grace to the floor. I just know my household - I cannot trust others to be as diligent about the doors as I would be. We live in the country, I have a young child, we have dogs ... all a combination of circumstances that make me feel that being clipped is best in our home. (Oh - and we live in TX - I'd die without the ceiling fans!)


Good luck with your decision. I know it is a hard one, and you will feel pressured by many to do what they feel is the right thing. I have been looked down upon for my decision, but I stand by it knowing that it is the best in OUR circumstances. :)

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The decision must be yours. Spock's gone, but if we had to do it over again, we would still leave any bird flighted. We've seen both sides of this dilemma, we could never deny a bird his heritage, Remember a clipped parrot can still fly! No matter your choice, we'll still love you... You can almost see a tear in a clipped birds eyes especially when other birds around them fly...Ask or Joe....

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I have my three parrots micro-chipped in and effort to do whatever I can to get them back of they decide to adventure outside. The choice has to be individual to coincide with the dynamics of your personal lifestyle and family. I live alone so normally I have complete control over my home. If I had small children or a very active home, my decision might have been different. Personal choice.

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I know what you are going through I can't make up my mind to clip or not to clip but the more I think about it clip might be the best for here , Brandi will not stay out of the kitchen and a few times she has landed on the burners on the stove thank god they were not turned on or she would have been seriously burned , that alone has made me think clipping is best for her , still deciding but leaning towards clipping , have to get my vets opinion on this to

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my birds are clipped because parrots are very smart and I don't want him in my house for the rest of his life. So I take him everywhere I go. On my bike, shopping, in the train, on holiday. I even took him with me to my school when I had an English speech :D

My mom goes walking with our dog every day. Why walking with your dog and leaving your parrot at home? A parrot is 7 times smarter than a dog!

And sunlight is very very important for parrots.




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Your dilemma is the same one I faced. In the end the decision was taken from me when the shop clipped him. The plan now is for me to do everything I can to keep his wings strong until his flight feathers grow in again and see what happens.

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Thank you for all your replies. I have teenagers who are careful, as we have dogs and cats so they have learned not to leave doors open, but the friends coming and going may not be as careful. Household dangers I can control and remove, its the going for the door and taking off that really, really worries me. They are fast. We have 4 dogs so the massive patio door is opened and closed many times a day. It breaks my heart to think of clipping. My 1st Grey was clipped and never learned to fly, the breeder did it, we had no say. I have asked that Zulu not be clipped and they are respecting my wishes. I do intend to work on recall training and did buy an Aviator harness. I guess we will wait and see how it goes and what his personality is like or if he makes any escape attempts. I wonder if putting a sheer curtain over the door so you have to walk through it would help? It would act as a barrier but not be heavy enough to be in my way, just not moveable for a bird.

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This is a choice we have all had to deal with when we came to this Y in the road.

You will have to decide what you beleve is in the best intrest as to the health and well being of your fid. And we will respect that

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As I wrote in an earlier post, my parrots are all flighted. I do have mesh screen doors on my outside doors to help prevent at least an instant escape. Try searching for Magic Mesh Screens.


I also always keep my patio drapes closed so that the fids can't see the door is open when my pug is outside.

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