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Piper Update


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I wanted to share a picture of Piper. He is doing great! He still won't step up to anyone and runs away if you put your hand near him, but I do have him eating toast in the morning from my fingers if I stand there long enough.

He has an incredible personality and has no problem letting you know what he wants and when he wants it. He is like a little Nilah. Love to see him hiss at me...he's harmless compared to Nilah!


He ABSOLUTELY adores my daughter. I am the care taker, she is the sweet best friend of hers. He will go to her when he desires, sit on her shoulder or arm and hang out with her. So be it,......one day, he may take a liking to me, although he loves the attention he gets from me, and when he wants it, he WILL let you know! We very much are adoring him.



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Piper is a good looking male tiel and he does not look that old.

The one thing about a tiel is that they will take to the family and you can have a lot of fun with them.

The more you handle them the better they get with all that are around them.

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  • 2 months later...

Since its been about 2 months, I wanted to post an update. Piper is doing well. He still doesn't seem to li,e me much. He hisses at me sometimes, but yells at me when he wants the morning toast. He does have a thank you whistle after I give him some. He will eat out of my fingers if I am holding gnfood for him. He is very vocal and lets you know exactly what he wants. It's amazing how well he communicates his wants and needs to us.


One day he was screaming in the morning, he usually does this if I am not fast enough at fixing breakfast for all of us and my birds, ( we share oatmeal and toast), so I didn't really pay attention as this was pretty normal. Finally I went over to check, and he was screaming as he was looking out the wi Dow, so I thought he wanted it open,as I was opening it I saw it...a sick mangy fox very close the to deck of my house, Pipers age is next to the window there. He alerted us like a watch dog, I got my 22 and went outside as he was walking slowly over to our colts paddock. They were about 5 feet apart, the fox wouldn't scare or run off....I didn't not want to shoot him......finally he wandered slowly off into the woods. I probably should have shot him, but I am an animal lover and find it hard. Don't get me wrong, if he tried to hurt any of my animals, he would be dead instantly.....


Also, Piper LOVES my daughter. he will sit with her, let her pet his head and loves to get kisses on the top of his had from her. He puts his head down while she kiss kiss kss kisses him.......oh well. They pick their favorites!

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Glad to hear Piper is doing fine in his new home and even though they are a type bird that will get along with the entire family they can have their favorites. Gypsy will go to both of us thought she prefers me for the most part and she is fearless, she goes poking her nose into anything and everything and not much afraid of the other two birds of mine even Josey, my grey. She will fly right by her head like it is nothing and sometimes land on Josey's cage, I have to shoo her off though for she would go for her toes. She spends some time every evening on my shoulder or just hanging out near me when I am on the computer or when sitting watching the tv she will preen my hair or just enjoy some time near me. They do have quite a personality for a small bird and I am so glad she decided to drop in two summers ago.

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Wow Judy, your Gypsy is so different than Piper! Piper has one of the worst tempers I have ever seen in a bird.....he still cant fly do to her poor clipping, so if he falls while climbing or he jumps off your hand and ends up crashing to the floor, he screams and yells and carries on for the longest time yelling at me. If you upset him, jeez......he hollers and yells for quite some time......:( and it happens in a split second!!

I never saw a bird carry on like he does. glad he isnt a human, it would be awful listening to that kind of yelling and carrying on...:(

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Gypsy is the quietest of my three birds, you hardly know she is in the house but I did hear her hiss when she first came to us, she wasn't used to us and when I tried to handle her she would do that hiss but not anymore, she is a sweet little bird and steps up nicely now. I think Piper will calm down more as he gets more used to his new family, it took a while for Gypsy to allow us to handle her and to step up but she did and Piper will too.

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Judy, you are right, Piper hisses at me alot! The last 2 weeks he starts whistling, talking and sounds like a car trying to start repeatedly for about 1/2 hour at night. I put my birds to bed around 8-8:30pm but he wants to stay up late. He starts around 9:15ish and carries on being so vocal, I cant put him to bed until after that. I think he was owned by a male teenager, cause he is up late, starts getting very vocal late, and whistles the Zelda video game them song. He also HATES to be covered at night, I have a lite blue sheet that I only partially cover, and he hates it and hisses at me, but I want him to have quiet time for bed.

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My wife and I were talking the other day about our birds and how we have had cockatiels for the last 41 years. In a lot of ways they are a lot like small African Grey's.

They can have a mind of there own, be stubborn and want to be in charge and or be so lovable it will make your head swim.

Like Grey's each one is so different except each one likes to be boss.

And than there is the turn around when one day they become the best bird ever.

Here is something all of my cockatiels love.

I put my nose against the back of their neck and exhale warm air as I move my head back and forth like I am scratching their head with my nose.


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These tiny little cockatiels sure have big spirits. We had one for only five months as a foster family but he was like Piper at first with the hissing and was very wary and upset over the smallest things. Of course, he was attacked by a dog in his first home before he came to us, and they had five kids and a wild household, so I didn't take it personally. And it is interesting about the fox. When we were in Pennsylvania this weekend, we saw a fox in two separate areas and they looked strange. They were not red fox, and not quite looking like grey fox, but mangy and did not try to run away in the middle of the day. I wonder what is up with that?

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