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What's up with my TAG?


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Hello all,

I have a 6 year old rescue TAG. I've had her for about 8 weeks. I've noticed over the last few days her talking has increased dramatically, but she no longer wants to step up. I've been trying to get her to talk more by giving her a seed every time she says something. I don't know if this would make her less holdable. Also, I have another parrot in the same room. For the first month, they were in different rooms and have been at opposite sides of my rectangular living room ever since. The first three weeks or so of cohabitation didn't seem to bother the TAG. I don't know if this is it or not.


I have been giving her plenty of time to sleep.


When I leave the room, the TAG will start talking and whistling. I assume she wants my attention. However, unlike my other bird (brown headed parrot), this does not equate to her wanting to be on my finger, just in the same room. Is this typical?


She is not biting me, just nipping at me when I put my finger up to her chest.


Any advice is appreciated.

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Sometimes parrots are more compliant when they are nervous and a little unsure. Now that your TAG is feeling at home, she may be testing out her independence. I don't think anything bad is going on. She may not want to step up as readily, but she wants to be near you, and that's good. My CAG is almost one year old and she went through a stage where she didn't want to step up. Now she always readily complies. Just relax and respect her wishes. I would not push the issue unless she really needs to step up for safety and well-being. My guess is that this is a stage. For my CAG that stage lasted about 2 months. I don't think there is any connection to talking except that both things may stem from her feeling comfortable and at home. I believe things are moving in the right direction.

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The honeymoon is over now and more of the true personality is showing thru as a rehomed grey comes with baggage from previous homes, she feels more comfortable hence she is talking more but showing her hesitance to step up. Maybe back off a little and take it easy as you might be rushing it a little too much. She might just want to be close to you but not necessarily on you for some greys do not like to be handled much, in any case take your time and let her make the decision whether she wants to be picked up or not.

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