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Nick names we call our FIDS


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After reading about Mistypie I have to ask how many of us have multiple other names we call our birds.

Harry Too gets called H2, Too bird, Big-o-boy- o , Mighty Too & Trouble

Fred- Fred Fred, Sweetie Pie, Fredikins, Cuddle bird & Fred bird

Pookie-Pookers, Sneaky bird, Pookaroo and Grey girl

Smokey Joe-Joe bird, Grey bird, Smojo & Jo Jo

Whisper-Whiss, Big girl, Lovey

Smartee Pants-Pants, Little Bird & Mr. Pants

Edited by Greywings
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I thought the same thing when I read "Mistypie"! :)


Biscotti get called- Cott, Cott-Cott, Cotty , Biscott, Cotter, Cotter-Ree, Mr. Biscott, Cotty Watty & Cot Parrott (Wow, I didn't realize I called him so many names!)

Edited by chelseaB
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athena is thena bird, or missy pants (from all the times she's plucked her green chest feathers leaving grey down and looks like she's wearing bright green shorts), or thena mina


kallie is big kallie, or silly goose, or big silly

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Rocky is Rocky-roll, Rockford (if he's in trouble) Rocky-butt (he made that up himself, it's a mix of Rocky and monkey butt)

Paco is Paquito,

Millie is Millicent, Millie Moe, Mill

Zoey is Zoe Bird, Zoeski,

Sarge is Sargento, Large Sarge

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I call my CAG Gracie--"Gracie Boo". I have no idea why. The funny thing is that she is 11 months old and only says a few words but she kows and often says "Barkley Doggie"--the name of my parents toy fox terrier--but she never says her own name. Every day I try to teach her "I love you"--but no--she won't say that. She has a mind of her own.

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Brutus is Richie (I have no idea why), Brugee (my husband), Sqargadoodie-dute, baby weirdness, goofy boy, and Godzilla (when he is bad).

I can get totally carried away with names, so I am trying to contain myself. Brutus sometimes calls himself "Broo" He says, "My name is Broo!"

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As has been mentioned Misty's nick names are Babe, Mistypie and Mistyparrot. Misty has a little song he sings that goes "Misty Misty Misty Mistypie" but he often changes it to ""Misty Misty Misty Mistyparrot" and also "Baby Baby Baby Mistypie (Mistyparrot as well).

He uses "Babe" as his nick name for me. He greets me every morning with "Hi Babe" and I return with "Hi Misty" He greets me the same way when I return from a trip out.

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athena created a name for herself as well. it's boo. i have no idea where this came from, i don't say that word to her at all. she'll say thena good boo, daddy good boo, big boo. (she's refused to say mommy or mama, lol). i know this doesn't mean bird because she'll also say thena good bird, big bird, etc. i've tried to think of what word it might be that she just can't say (she says wee come for welcome) but i'm at a loss as to what it could be, lol!!

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Guest candismalli

Charley is Charley bear, messy bird, flapper, squalks a lot, baby bird, lovie, luv bug, and mostly snot nose (to be honest that last one is for the dogs & kids too- I say it lovingly lol)

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Chelsea, don't forget that red booty jungle chicken. That one keeps me laughing whenever I think of him. LOL. My daughter calls Gilbert, Gilberto or other silly variations. When I got him, I had been naming my birds on a coffee theme, but I couldn't bear to rename Gilbert since he knows his name. When I am out of the room and he talks to me I call back to him Gilbert Machiatto Grande. He bobs his head in approval but hasn't tried to say it. He's a grande for sure.

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Lol Katana, he was saying that a lot today! But he always says " my name's Biscotti bird" so I think he really does know that is his "official" name, but he does respond to all his nicknames also. They are just too smart. :)

Yes, Gilbert is grande for sure!

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lol I dont know that Ive had marco long enough to have many pet-names but we definately call her bean-face usually cuz of the amount of food that covers her beak and when she looks at you its just to dang cute, course its Marco and its babygirl ... :D gosh cant believe its almost 4 months of her being home

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My late great Anya bird (full name Anyanka based on the Buffy character) was: Anya-banya, Nonners (my wife, mostly), On, Non, and other variations thereof.


Lately, I've taken to calling Spencer, "Bender," based on one of his pronunciations of his name - it comes out like "SBEND-serrrrrrrrrr." Other common names are Spence, Goof, Buddy, Bud, Snot, Big Bird, Spendy, etc.


Our old Nimue budgie's most common nicknames (other than the obvious, "Nim,") were Cumulonimbus and Nimbostratus.

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