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Charlie's progress


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Well, Charlie has been with us nearly a month now. He has settled into a routine nicely. He loves coming out of his cage and just sitting on the door or the roof watching us and talking/whistling, though he is still too shy to leave the cage.

For about a week, he has been happy to have his head stroked but tonight he decided it was time for scritches. He had them for over an hour and just kept coming back for more.

He is very itchy at the moment because he is having a moult, but seems to be coping well. Loves having his shower with aloe vera juice but wont let me spray him properly because he just wants to catch the spray and drink it lol. Tonight I noticed him using a feather as a tool-holding it in one claw and using the end to itch around his face. I thought it was only humans and apes that used tools. Oh well, just shows how intelligent our greys are



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