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Dorian's new noise?!


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Hehehe. It always amuses me when Alfie comes out with a noise and I have to sit and figure out what it is and where he got it from. The worst one was when he learnt the noise of me unlocking the front door- it sounds so realistic that when he did it and I was in the house I thought someone was coming through the front door!!

The only noise he has that makes me cringe is a really high pitched and really loud squeak. Not entirely sure what it is or where he got it from but it makes your ears hurt when you're standing near him and he does it. Fortunately he doesn't do this one too often- probably because I do my best to ignore it when he does it as I don't want to encourage him. He does manage to make me jump sometimes though! Haha

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Sophie imitates us all so well, on top of being deaf in my right ear, I can't always tell where sound is coming from. When I yell DINNER up the stairs, I here " coming!" I think it is from upstairs, so I get annoyed when they don't show up. Apparently, Sophie has been yelling " coming!" She duplicates both boys voices so well, I think one responded. LOL! Nancy

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