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Toys? No. Newspaper? Yes


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My 6 year old TAG that I've had for four weeks pays no mind to her toys, however she loves chewing on newspaper. I thought Greys loved their toys?


I'm willing to bet she's still getting used to things. Like I said, I've only had her a month. She's plenty friendly (when she wants to be), but I thought I'd be on round two of toys by now, instead they remain untouched.


I know what you're thinking. I shouldn't have changed out her toys from her previous home. Well, maybe, but they were in bad shape. Everything was covered in poop. I just tossed it all out.

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My 4 year old TAG does not play with her toys very much. I don't worry about it as she is out all day and flying around and interacting with me. My year old CAG is not much of a toy player either. Now my ZON loves toys, and chews them to pieces all the time. Each parrot is different, as long as your parrot is happy let her do her own thing. As for liking paper, be happy she has inexpensive tastes. Try wrapping treats and small toys in the paper for her to play with.

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She is more a social bird, loves to hang with the family, and be part of all board games we play. Nancy


Ok, Spock...your turn...put that $100 bill back! That's my money pile! No, you didn't have doubles...I don't care what you say...shut up and roll the dice...move the dog, not the cannon..that is your piece. You did NOT have Boardwalk...give it back...ROFLMAO!!!

Edited by Jayd
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Ok, Sophie...your turn...put that $100 bill back! That's my money pile! No, you didn't have doubles...I don't care what you say...shut up and roll the dice...move the dog, not the cannon..that is your piece. You did NOT have Boardwalk...give it back...ROFLMAO!!!


Ok that gave me flash backs to the days of trying to play a board game with a toddler and kitten still awake.

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Serious guys... they CAN play board games! Certainly... NO monopaly! We play board games all the time. Sophie figures out quickly, when one team is losing. Steps up to the winning team. Traitor!LOL As long as she knows and trusts someone on the opposite team, she will stepup. If she doesn't, she will stick to the loosing team. nancy

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I've had Rosie now for over a year and last week was the first week that she started playing with her toys. Now she destorys them withing a day. If I were you, I would keep offering them to her. Also, you could try to roll up fresh newspaper, shred the ends with scissors, and wedge it in between the bars. That's how she learned to shredd.

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momo also loves newspaper and i still give him sometimes.i pay newspaper delivery every month and i never read it!just a toy for my bird!

he loves computer mouse,handphone and tv remote.last time he wants to chew my vaccum cleaner and i dont let him because its too expensive for a toy! :)

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