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Xandir’s gone/flew away


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He was in my bedroom on the play stand and I had gone into the kitchen. I heard him fly and "crash land" and went to go check on him. He apparently hit the screen and it fell out. I'm in a second floor apartment and I looked down and saw him on the ground. I ran out, down, and around the building. I came around the corner slowly while talking to him and just as I was almost close enough to get him he flew off.


I can't stop crying.



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I am so sorry to hear about this but quit crying and do what you must to bring him back into the flock, spread the word, put up flyers, have all the neighbors be on the lookout for him, notify any vets in your area in case he is found and brought in and keep searching. Put his cage outside with some food and water in it, place it where he can easily see it if he is in the immediate area as he might come to it when he gets hungry, go out and call for him using words he usually reponds to, he is probably close by but is being cautious since he is in unfamiliar territory but never give up. I hope to hear any day now that he has returned or someone has found him but keep the faith that Xandir will once again rejoin his flock, good luck to you.

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Judy's advice is spot on. Take stacks of photo flyers to the local post offices and ask the carriers to be on the look out. Do the same with the police, fire department, vets offices, animal control, pet shops, and anything to do with animals or birds found in your telephone book. You all are in my prayers.

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Great advice already given. Just get out there and calmly look for Xandir. Mornings and evenings/dinnertime are the times birds are most active looking for food. Take his favorite foods and calmly call to him with words he will recognize, Alert all the neighbors and don't give up. Spend some time sitting outside and see if he will come to you. Just don't give up and be brave.

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No news. I've been posting on every lost & found website I can find. I paid $60 to Pet Amber Alert for them to create a poster and fax it to 50 business in my area. I contacted both humane societies in my area, the bird store down the street, and the only bird only avian vet in the area......


Walking the area, talking with neighbors, will put up fliers......



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Okay. This is my specialty, since I have lost many a dog. Pullup a map of your area and within two miles each direction. Contact your local boyscouts, ask for their help. Contact all vets, animal hospitals, including crossing county lines. Contact your local news, ask for their help. Most birds, won't go far. Go door to door, two blocks away, in all direction. Get your community involved. I( have lost three senior dogs, who managed to get quite far. I am happy to say, I found them all. Only thru the help of my community. Nancy

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Hi sweet lady. Stretch your search to include community to increase a minimum of 30 miles a day. The variables are, Wind, Temperature, Food and how sociable your baby is. A Grey on high can see farther then we can imagine, please don't limit yourself to just your neighborhood, were searching up to a hundred mile and more for Spock. Grey's and parrots in general are unique unto themselves, unlike any other animal because they can reason. Never give up hope, your doing everything right..... Our prayers are with you.

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No news yet but I have a friend that drives a city bus for Portland's public transportation company and she's putting fliers at every bus yard and transit center. So 100's of bus drivers will know about Xandir. She's also posting fliers all over the place like I am. :o|



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